Author has written 6 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh. Halt! Who goes there? I'm Infinity to just about everyone I meet online, Amy to the people in that place called 'Reality' that I visit sometimes. I don't like it very much, though; I prefer to be back home, here in cyberspace, as much as possible. If you really need to know-- you aren't planning on stalking me, are you? *paranoid look*-- I'm an otaku, I like anime and roleplaying, I'm (supposedly) a decent writer and poet, I'm into things like the supernatural and magic, and the like. I'm also trying to find myself-- so if you see me, hold me there till I get back!I don't fit in anywhere except online-- where all the people of my ilk seem to prefer inhabiting-- so please, IM/E-mail/Review me! Don't be scared, I don't bite...too hard! ~_^ I'm just about always on AIM and/or MSN Messenger, so I'll probably be around to chat. Also, sometimes I say random, far-out, weird stuff. I promise not to be offended by any of your opinions or comments, if you promise the same! And now for the stories, of course. My line-up, thus far, would be: Freak of Nature Documentary: Finished! |