Author has written 12 stories for Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Hannah Montana, and Blood Ties.
Thought I'd update this and make it slightly less corny.
My name: Joyce
Fave Color: Purple and Black
Fave T.V. Shows: Buffy and Angel, Hannah Montana, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Dr.Who, Heroes, Crossing Jordan, Wildfire, Blood Ties, Torchwood (Watched the premiere it was awesome), Ghost Hunters
Fave Movie: Underworld (At the moment,anyway)
Fave Animal: Wolves and Horses
Fave drink: Mountain Dew
Fave Food: Anything that doesn't eat me first or Mac and Cheese
Fave Character: If you couldn't tell by my fic, SPIKE on Buffy and Angel, Miley and Jake on Hannah, Greg on CSI, The Doctor and Rose on Dr. Who, Peter on Heroes, Jordan and Woody on Crossing Jordan, Kris and Junior on Wildfire, Viki and Henry on Blood Ties, Jason, Grant, and Steve on Ghost Hunters (Not Together of course) Haven't decided who I like on Torchwood yet, probably Gwen and Jack.
Fave Couple: Refer to the above B/S, J/M, J/W, D/R, K/J, V/H
Fave Buffy epi: Something Blue, Fool for Love, Touched, Once More with Feeling
Fave Angel Epi: Destiny (There are more, but my brain went on vacation for awhile and I can't remember the names.)
Fave scene From Buffy: What else the bedroom scene from Touched.
Fave Angel Scene: The beginning, middle and end of Destiny. That epi just kicked ass.
Fave Hannah Epi: If it had Jake in it, it's a fave.
Fave Hannah Scene: When Jake named the star after Miley, and The popcorn ball rolling across the floor in That's What Friends are For?
Okay that is enough faves for the moment.
I'll now tell about my Animals.
I have2 dogs, 5 cats, 2 horses
They all have names from characters in movies and/or Buffy, Don't ask.
Piper and Willow (Both dogs, named after Willow, and Piper from Charmed)
Smokey and Bandit (That one's a given, both cats)
Little Bit ( Cat, one of Spikes nicknames for Dawn)
J.R. (Gelding, Quarter Horse, I guess the woman we got him from liked Dallas, I don't know, but it's the only conclusion I can come up with.)
Dark Princess (Filly, Tennessee Walking Horse, What Spike used to call Drusilla, and the only other option was Harmony, nuff said)
Possum (Cat, George Jones' nickname.)
Tigger (Cat, Winnie the Pooh)
I'm married, to a guy that thinks I'm totally insane for the whole Buffy obsession, but oh well. He still loves me.
I work for a vet, huh, perfect job isn't it? I love it, I'd rather be around the animals than most humans. At least they don't tell me what to do all the time, all they really want is food, water, and a little love. Which I do every morning, before I let them out to potty.
Most of my fics are set after Chosen in the Buffyverse, but I do like to mess with the Angel Season five epis, alot. So I have more stuff I'm going to do post 'Hellbound' and any other epi I choose to mess with. Just because I can. Of course it will be Spuffy, so don't worry. I just can't help myself if I can screw Angel I will, not literally. Completely figurativly speaking of course. I also write Hannah Montana, well one so far, but my ship there is Jake and Miley, I will not use the nickname, for I do not like it. I do have Lily and Oliver together, but I don't really read it, I only write smidgens of it, I can handle it if it's in a Jake and Miley story, as long as the central pairing is Jake and Miley.
This link is horrifying, but I couldn't live with myself if I didn't put it up here. Warning: If you don't like blood I don't recommend that you look at it. It's nightmare inducing.