Mr. Normal

Epilogue: Nervous

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters mentioned in this story, Hannah Montana belongs to Disney.

Pairing: Jake and Miley

Jake finally comes back after two years of figuring out what being a normal kid is like.

He was nervous, oh god he was completely nervous. He couldn't remember ever being as nervous as he was at this exact moment. Jake Ryan never got nervous over anything. Cocksure and confident had always been his way, but at this moment he was sweating. His hands could hardly hold onto the box of chocolates, and the multi-colored bouquet of roses. The black tuxedo jacket seemed to be super glued to his body from all of the perspiration.

His nerves on over load, sweat dripping down his face in rivulets a thought comes to him what if she doesn't even know who I am? He'd shown up at her door, at least he hoped it was still her door. God! what if he was getting ready to ring the doorbell of some unknown person? He almost turned on his heel and run back down the driveway at the thought. But no, he'd come here to do this, if it was the wrong house, well he knew it wasn't the wrong house, it just might be the wrong person living there. If that occurred, he'd just hunt her down, that shouldn't be too hard to do. Right?

He'd gone out and done the one thing that the thought of two years ago made him visibly cringe. He'd gone and lived like the normal people. He now had actual friends who for the better part liked him for himself and not the Zombie Slayer, of course they never knew that he was that character. They all knew him as Leslie. He'd never thought of introducing himself any other way to new people, Miley was the only one that knew his alter ego was Jake Ryan and he was fine with that.

The most amazing thing was that he'd actually liked going out and not having everyone around him jump at his every whim, it was kinda refreshing not being smothered by all the on lookers as Jake Ryan made his way into McDonalds. After a while he didn't even notice that girls weren't hanging all over him, mainly because the only one he wanted was an ocean away in Malibu. He'd dated, but it had always led back to the one girl that had broken his heart.

Now he stands outside her front door, flowers and chocolates in hand, and he can hardly press the button on the doorframe that will tell him if she even still lives in the same house.

Taking a deep, and steadying breath, he struggles to get both the packages into his left hand. With his shaking right hand he finally gets up the courage to press the doorbell. Okay Jakey, you pressed it. He lets out his breath in a huge whoosh, and almost flees from the scene when he hears footsteps nearing the door. He struggles some more with the flowers and candy.

He visibly straightens his back, the flowers directly covering his face. He'd come this far and so wasn't going to chicken out at the last second. He'd made all these changes for her, to be hers. HE WOULD NOT RUN!

As he'd argued with himself, the door had swung open bathing him in the soft light from the living room. Even if he wanted to run he couldn't now.

"Uh, I" Come on Jake you moron get the act together. He'd planned it all out, the dialog had been scripted. Okay so he hadn't become completely normal.

"Umm, Uh." His nerves feel as if they're tap dancing. He can't see a thing other than the petals of the roses. "Delivery for Miley Stewart," he finally stammers.

Shew, I got through that part. Now if I could only see who answered the door.

A.N. This is my first Hannah Montana story, hope you guys like it.