Author has written 6 stories for G-Gundam, and Golden Sun.
Wowee. I ACTUALLY changed my bio. Whoopee. *Twirls finger*
Name: Hannah. Conquerer Worm. Person Who Will Live In Seattle One Day, In A Trailer In The Alley Outside Of A Pencil Factory.
Age: 2,938. Or 12.
Likes witing: G Gundam. Pretty much retired. ._.;;
Golden Sun. Such an interesting story- but there are too many fics in that section.
Likes reading: Romance, Parodies, some Humor. Horror and gore I like...!
Wants to: Eat heads. For her collection. And collect more quotes.
Co-Authors: Legolas, Announcer-Guy, and Samwise.
Hannah's super collection of quotes that are special to her, and have been said to her, or she has said them, or read in a parody:
"...Oof. There go all my internal organs."
"...Can I have my arms back now?
No, I'm baking them.
...Okay. But cook them only a little while- I like my arms rare."
"Psh. Thanks for all your help. C'mon Pippin, we're blowing this popsicle stand."
"heLLo my name is jenna...i am 7 years old with black hair and red eyes. i have no nose or ears... i am dead. if you do not send this 15 people in the next 5 minutes i will appear tonight by your bed with a knife and kill you.. this is no joke Something good will happen to u 2nite at 9:22. This is not a joke some1 will either call u or will talk to u online and say that they love u. do not break."
"Real... Nothing is real. In a war of illusion, you only see what you feel..."
"Stop chug-a-lugging that HATE-O-RADE, yo!" (XD)
"Your pictures look like that Sailor Moon thing.
Me: *Grits teeth*"
"You guys are a bunch of ignaramoos!
Other guy: What's an ignaramu?
Me: Probably some kind of emu."
...I'll add more quotes later. Really. I will.