Author has written 14 stories for Watership Down, Redwall, Thomas the Tank Engine, Total Drama series, TUGS, Red vs. Blue, and Dangan Ronpa Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei. Hello there! I'm ToonGuy, formerly known as Bluebell Rah! Now, why the profile change? Simple. I've been off here for a good while, but I figured I might as well try my hand at this again. Now, has anything changed? Yeah, and no. I still love Watership Down, but not to the extent that I used to. I'm still Welsh, so there's always that. Still rather slow in the ways of the Internet, but what can you do? I have also decided where my path lies. COMEDY. So yeah, hopefully some more of that will be coming your way. Yeah, covers it. Thomas Abridged FAQ: WILL BE UPDATED SOON. |