![]() Author has written 4 stories for Naruto. Hello! Bonjour! Ciao! Hola! Konichiwa! Ni hao! Aloha! I am the Demonic Angel. And I am here because I LOVE (its in CAPS to show how much i mean it) writing fanfics. Oh, and of course reading too. But writing more. I mean, I don't know about any other author who writes fanfics on here, but once you start writing, you literally can't stop. I used to enjoy just reading stories but after I began writing my own, its like a sort of addiction. You could say writing is my heroin. So some fun facts about me: 1) I love NARUTO. And its number one on the list for that simple reason. I just l-o-v-e it. I only started watching the show two years ago (and then got caught up with the manga after watching ALL the episodes, which by the way took me only three months) and all I have to say is that Naruto has a hold on me. I am not going to deny the fact that I'm obsessed. Because I am. Especially with Itachi... as you can see by my profile pic (who if you hadn't guessed already, is a picture of Itachi in his Akatsuki gear). If I could go back in time, I would probably steal the whole of Naruto from Kishimoto and make it my own. But alas, the world doesn't always work that way. 2) I love Naruto. (I'm sorry... I told you I'm obsessed). 3) I just started college! Any Freshmen of 2016? Yeah? College is awesome... not really. Its just a harder version of high school, except with completely new people. Of course thats only if you're insane and decide to take 17 hours as a freshman, like me. Oh that brings us to fun fact #4. 4) I'm insane. Crazy. Weird. Fill in the blank. You ask any one of my friends... which is not possible since you don't know me... and it would be stalker-ish if you actually did... but they would tell you the same. 5) I'm slightly arrogant... well actually no, thats the wrong word. I'm like that one Greek God.. Narcissius, is that it? Something like that. Basically, I love myself. I think I'm awesome and unique and extremely different from anybody you might have ever met. I sound snobbish... I swear I'm not though! I'm super nice, but also... 6) I'm evil. And manipulative. And always get my way. 7) I also believe I'm always right. Try to argue with me, really, do try. Fair warning, you'll lose. 8) SASUNARU! Big fan. I have no idea how that even started... like does any yaoi fan girl have any idea how they even became a yaoi fan girl? 9) Oh. I just gave away that I'm a girl. But I guess you must have figured... Cuz I don't know any guy who would name themselves a demonic "angel"... and like SasuNaru at the same time. Well actually there most definitely probably are guys who would do that. Whatever. Anyhoo. 10) Number ten... number ten... uhhhh... Oh! I hate Bleach. I mean what kind of name is that for a show anyway? Buh-leach? Why name a show after a laundry detergent. Sorry Bleach fans... its not better than Naruto. No anime is better than Naruto. Kishimoto rocks. And Naruto is DA BEST. Long live Naruto. Well thats all for now! I hope you peeps enjoy my stories. If you don't you could always PM me and be like "they suck!" and I'll be like "I don't give a f*!" . . . . Just kidding. I won't say that. XD Kay bai! --DemonicAngel-- Angel in the Dark: KURAI NAMIKAZE http:///_2swl04cCuzw/S7SQb7LJIWI/AAAAAAAADG0/lnWYkLc5OzQ/4646.jpg YouTube Video/ Not One of Us (This video shows Naruto older too, however when watching the video, it will show him when he was smaller too, and that is where my story begins and it relates.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Klf-6BWp1Rw KURAI'S LULLABY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4J2lVnT65pw&feature=related KAKASHI & KURAI file:///Users/khadijahamid/Pictures/iPhoto/Modified/2012/Jan,/Picture.png |