![]() Author has written 8 stories for Pokémon, Half-Life, Young Justice, Batman, Star Wars, and Superman. Hello. I am clcman, aspiring novelist and expert procrastinator. After a long absence, I have returned to this site to finish some unfinished business, start some unstarted business, and otherwise develop not so much my writing muscles as my "write consistently" muscles. I write detailed, long, complex fanfics in which large numbers of characters, factions and plans collide in a giant, glorious mess of schemes, action, mysteries, betrayals and plot twists. Oh, so many plot twists. I tend to stick to science fiction/fantasy/superhero action stuff, with a little bit of shipping where appropriate, but romance will never be a focus of a story. I love reviews and talking with readers, so review or PM me at any time, even on an old story of mine. I may just reply! (Not like I have anything better to do.) I also do Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney fangames on the website Ace Attorney Online. And write actual, non-fanfic books. When one of those gets published, trust me, I will let you know. My Works: Worst Case Scenario: [Young Justice] My magnum opus (so far) and probably the reason you are here. The Season 1 finale of Young Justice stretched into a massive array of insane battles as the Light tries to get rid of the Team once and for all, and it really means it this time. Supposed to get a series of eight sequels exploring its alternate continuity. Now that I'm back (just like the series itself), hopefully this will actually happen. Currently on story 2, Worst Case Scenario: Madhouse. For Want of a Knight/DPA Chronicles: [Pokémon] My first fanfic ever, For Want of a Knight is an AU of Pokémon Colosseum, exploring a world where the two protagonists didn't coincidentally run into each other. Assuming I ever get around to finishing it and have enough time on my hands, I might spin it off into a long-planned, more-than-once-abandoned fic called DPA Chronicles, which follows a team of Pokémon trainers trying to save the world in a "behind-the-scenes" role to many of the games. Finished/Inactive/Hiatus/Abandoned Works: Only Human: [Batman/Superman] A fic set in a version of the DC universe with little-to-no superpowers, Only Human was meant to show my version of ultrarealistic Batman and Lex Luthor taking each other on, as I think they make interesting enemies. I shouldn't have started releasing chapters when I did, and now it's stuck in permanent hiatus before Luthor even appears, but I may get around to it eventually. What's there does show off the CLC version of a Nolan-type Batman, so if that intrigues you, it might be worth a read. For now, Worst Case Scenario is my primary DC fic. In Review/Peer Review: [Pokémon] Two little one-shots suggesting alternate interpretations of villains from Black/White and X/Y, respectively. I know one says there's supposed to be a second part, but there isn't, and I'm leaving that note in original form for posterity. Patron: [Half-Life] A Half-Life fic that accidentally got half deleted and even I barely remember what it was about. I'm too much of a pack rat to delete it, though. If Half-Life 3 ever comes out, I'll finish this, I promise. Upcoming Works: Star Wars: Defiance: [Star Wars] A large project I've been working on elsewhere. A friend and I decided to write a Star Wars TV show because we could. Set primarily after Episode 8/The Last Jedi, it features a group of New Republic warships locked in a desperate battle to stop a massive First Order armada that is sweeping across the galaxy. Possible Fics: NOTE: There's nothing here right now, because I needed to get this profile update out before I could restart Worst Case Scenario, but I'll put something here soon, I swear. Outside Links: This website doesn't like the posting of outside links, so replaces all the {DOT}s with periods, will ya? These are posters I made for Worst Case Scenario using my epic graphic design skills and the photo-editing capabilities of (no joke) Photobucket. clcman{DOT}deviantart{DOT}com/art/Worst-Case-Scenario-Poster-1-304584746 This is the TvTropes page for Worst Case Scenario. Feel free to check it out, and add tropes as they show up! tvtropes{DOT}org/pmwiki/pmwiki{DOT}php/FanFic/WorstCaseScenario Well, that's all for now. Go out and enjoy (and review) my fics, and the many, many, timely, consistent updates that are totally happening because I've actually learned my lesson this time unlike all the other times I said I'd do that. |