Author has written 20 stories for Ronin Warriors, Gundam Wing/AC, X/1999, Final Fantasy VIII, Pirates of the Caribbean, Rurouni Kenshin, Final Fantasy X-2, Final Fantasy VII, Naruto, Halo, and Kingdom Hearts. A little over a year ago, we stopped writing because our lives got far too hectic. Several things happened that really got to us and still have some damaging effects on us today. As most of our readers know, we get writers blocks. Star's mother got stressed around the last time we updated. For those of you who don't know/have read none of 'The Journal', Star's father was and still is an abusive drunk. He'd been sueing Star's mom for all she was worth and she fell on some hard times. This was one of the first things to bring us down. With all that legal stuff going on, Star took over for her mother. When we were comming out of a horrible slump, one of our friends who we looked to for inspiration committed suicide. He did this right before our graduation in May of 2005. Shortly after that, finals started leaving no time for our writing. That summer, Stratos' dad got a job transfer to Florida, where he lived for three months. We were unable to keep up with all the long distance stuff, sadly. Stratos moved back to Oklahoma recently, and we will now both be attending the same college: The University of Central Oklahoma. We hope to update soon now that we're joined at the hip again, even if work does kinda get in the way. Star Shadow and Dark Stratos Authors are currently: :Screen fades in to reveal Star Shadow and Dark Stratos dressed as Shuyin and Lenne: Dark Stratos:Dressed as Lenne: Why and I in a skirt? You're the girl! Star Shadow:Dressed as Shuyin: I felt like cross-dressing. Dark Stratos: And I'm dressed like this why? You're the one with long brown hair and I'm the one with blond hair. Star Shadow: I thought it would be amusing for you to be in a short skirt while we told people that we're insane and that we normally update things at a really slow pace... Dark Stratos: I really hate you sometimes, you know... Remember! We hove two stories posted on our friend Lonely Reaper 's account! Go check us out there! :~:~STORY STATUS~:~: ONE SHOTS: COMPLETE CHAPTER FICS: ONGOING CHAPTER FICS: HIATUS: ON PAPER YET TO BE POSTED: 1. Rooming with Reno Ch. 4 |