Dark Stratos: Hello. Welcome to our universve of complete and total insanity! Mwahahahah! ::Clears throte:: I'm sorry for that.

Star Shadow: Please enjoy this fic. I apreciate all comments, and if you send me a flame, cause it shows me how to fix stuff.

Dark Stratos: If you send a flame, I will laugh in your face while I dangle you by your ankles above a pit of venomus snakes and spiders... This is a Ronin fic that takes place in Mia's home, and it makes no sence. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!

Star Shadow: Don't worry… I won't let him.

Disclaimer: I, in no way, own Ronin Warriors.


{inside the house}

Ryo: What was that?

Sage: I dunno.

Kento: Does it matter?

Ryo: No, not really.


Sage: It does now.

Cale: What's with all the screaming?

Kento: We don't know, and I don't--

Mystery Person 3 (Sehkmet): AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Kento: Care.

Kayura: Will you people shut-up? I'm trying to get my beauty sleep!

Sage: Yeah! She really needs it! So... ugly... must... leave...

Dais: Hey guys. What's going on? AHHH! What is that?! ::points at Kayura::

Kayura: You guys are so mean to me!

Cale: Your point...?

Cye: ::runs down the stairs:: SOMEONE HELP!!!

Ryo: What's wrong?

Cye: Someone killed--

Sehkmet: ::from upstairs:: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! ROWEN'S DEAD!!

Ryo: WHAT?!

Kento: WHAT?!

Sage: WHAT?!

Cale: WHAT?!

Dais: WHAT?!

Kayura: WHAT?!

Anubis: What? What's going on? Why'd you wake me up?

Sage: WHY?! Why Rowen? Why my poor Rowen?

Kayura: Huh? "My poor Rowen?" What are you talking about?

Sage: ::Blushes:: Oops. Did I say that out loud?

Kayura: Is there something you're not telling us, Sage?

Sage: No...

Kento: No! Not Rowen! Anyone but Rowen! Why didn't Sage get killed?! It's not fair!

Cye: Rowen... Why did you have to die?

Sehkmet: ::comes down the stairs:: Poor, sexy, Rowen.

Dais: Back off! He was mine!

Mia: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! ::runs down the stairs::

Everyone: What now?!

Mia: I needed a dramatic entrance.

Ryo: We need to figure out who killed Rowen and why.

Cale: Hey! We could play that wierd bubble gum game to see who killed him.

Anubis: Bubble gum game?

Cale: Yeah! You know, 'Bubble gum bubble gum in a dish, how many pieces do you wish,' and the person with a hand in and no one elses in at the end of the game is the one who killed him.

Anubis: Okay! Let's do that!

Everyone: ::Shrugs::

{ten minutes later}

Cye: So you killed him, Mia!

Mia: Dammit! I thought this game wasn't going to work.

Ryo: Why! Why did you kill him?

Mia: Because I caught him with every single one of you! He was playing you!

Cale: No he wasn't. We all knew he was with the rest of us.

Mia: What?!

Anubis: That doesn't mean we still can't argue over him.

Sage: Rowen...

Kento: He was such a good lover.

Rowen: ::Stumbles down the stairs:: Oooh, my head.

Dais: Oh, Rowen!

Sehkmet: Rowen! ::glomp::

Kayura: You're alive!

Sage: Are you alright?

Rowen: I feel like someone just knocked me out with a frying pan.

Mia: ::Hides frying pan behind her back::

Cale: Let's go upstairs, Rowen.

Rowen: Huh? I just came down for some pain killers. Can I get those first?

Ryo: I'll come with you.

Kento: Me too.

Rowen: That's really not nessicary. I can get--

Anubis: We're going with you.

Rowen: Bu--

Cye: No buts.

Sage: Well, except for yours... ::Grabs Rowen's ass::

{And Rowen is draged from the room, *wishing* he was dead}


Star Shadow: Please Review if you liked! If no one likes, I won't post more fic in this general area.