Author has written 11 stories for Grimm, Harry Potter, Adventure Time with Finn and Jake, Once Upon a Time, and Supernatural. Nice to meet you, welcome to smut central. I don't think I have a story with a rating under M, mainly because writing cute characters that need to be together is a hobby of mine. I think the only story that might qualify would be one of the Once Upon a Time stories, but the day is young (and you are hot-River Song). Anyhow I love writing, I have a million fandoms, but I love Grimm, Person of Interest, Adventure Time, Supernatural, TBBT, FMA, and Doctor Who the best. Their is probably more to that list, and there are more fandoms, those are just the ones I frequent. I have really dorky music in my phone, including Space Unicorn, and Neon Pegasus - Both of which I love. I love writing, and suggestions for what you want to see happen are always seen, and I usually try to incorporate them, or write a one-shot. I'll be finishing a bunch of stories soon, so comment or PM what you want to see next. I love all of you!!! |
disenchantedphoenix (10) Kat100666 (25) | Kittens Secret (14) mrscakeakajane (79) |