Title: Changes
Summary: Set in the beginning of the 4th book, Dark!Powerful!Harry After Lucius is sent to take out the people watching Harry during the summer and Harry gets 'kidnapped' before joining Voldemort. But when Harry goes back who's waiting for him?
A different kind of magic, a new school, and teen hormones coupled with an incubus heritage, how is Harry to cope? When Lucius 'kidnaps' Harry from the Dursley's Harry learns he possesses a different kind of magic. A pair of strangers help Harry learn what this new magic is, but who are they really?
Harry was, contrary to popular belief, not stupid.
He had a pretty good idea of how the Minister had found him so quickly after he'd blown up his aunt right before his third year, not believing for one minute the story the Minister had fed him. They might have been able to tell that magic had been performed at his muggle home, but that hadn't explained how he'd been found at the Leaky Cauldron.
Harry was almost certain that his wand had a tracer in it, telling the Ministry his exact location at any given point. Harry spent all year trying to think of some way around what he could only assume was a tracer. At first he considered buying a different wand, perhaps from another wand-maker. Then he realized the hassle it would cause, trying to find another wand-maker. He'd briefly considered 'accidentally' ending up in Knockturn Alley but the commotion that would cause made him reconsider.
Since that realization he'd been practicing wandless magic after leaving his wand in another room. It seemed to Harry that wands were a bit of a nuisance though as he'd soon managed to master all the spells he'd learned wandlessly and it wasn't even summer's end yet.
He had accidentally used his magic to create a glass of water when Vernon had locked outside for the day in the hot sun with a list of outside chores. When no letter from the Ministry arrived he could only assume magic done inside the house was monitored. And so, always discreet, Harry began to use his wandless magic to help himself with his chores, but only the outdoor ones.
And then there were the people watching him. Did they really think they were being discreet? Especially the drunk one. None of them could have been more obvious, hiding in bushes and trees, watching him. There was that one who he almost hadn't caught. Had he not been looking out for people watching him daily he wouldn't have even connected the random clunk of wood to anything but fortunately for him, he'd caught the infamous Mad-Eye Moody spying on him, not that he knew or cared who he was.
But Harry always knew when he was being watched and he was almost certain that they were watching him on Dumbledore's orders as he hadn't been captured or otherwise brought before Voldemort.
Harry grew complacent, knowing he more or less had guards from Dumbledore. He kept his wandless abilities to himself, making sure no one saw him, ever, but he still stopped paying attention to who it was who was watching him.
That is, until someone new started watching him. He didn't know what tipped him off that it was someone new. Maybe it was a new magic, or maybe it was just a new set of habits. There was no constant gulping, no single clunk as the man with the wooden leg settled in for the day, and no clumsy girl giggling to herself at random intervals.
At first Harry couldn't tell who it was, just that it was someone new. Then one day, he saw a small garden snake slithering among the gardenias and he quickly convinced the creature to describe his watcher.
Chapter 1
Lucius Malfoy was beyond peeved. How could his Lord think that this was an appropriate task for one of his talents? Watching the Potter boy was beyond dull. The boy just did chores outdoors. Not that menial labor disagreed with him, quite the contrary actually. But still, it was demeaning to just sit in a tree and watch him.
Taking out the other spies watching him had been fun at least, but that had ended the Malfoy's fun sadly. And why in the seven hell was he supposed to capture Potter? Why not just kill him? What was the point in sitting in a tree and taking him alive?
But while Lucius fumed to himself he lost sight of Harry who had walked over to lie under the tree Lucius sat in.
Looking around wildly when he realized what he'd done, Lucius cursed at himself. His Lord would kill him if someone else captured Potter while he was grousing to himself.
"I'm down here!" Harry called up calmly.
Lucius fell out of the tree.
Harry couldn't stifle a giggle at seeing Lucius Malfoy fall out of a tree. It was just too funny. "Not very balanced, are you?" He teased.
"How did you, what are you, what game are you playing Potter?" Lucius babbled, pulling out his wand and pointing it at the boy.
Harry didn't react to the wand. If the man had wanted him dead, Harry would already be dead.
"No game, I just never thought I'd live to see the day the illustrious Lucius Malfoy would fall on his bum out of a tree." Harry answered the blubbering man with a smirk.
Lucius narrowed his eyes.
Harry sighed. He knew the man wouldn't believe him, but it had been worth a try. "You know, you're lucky."
Lucius paused. What was the boy on about?
"What do you mean?" Lucius asked. "I'm stuck here watching you in this filthy muggle neighborhood. How is that at all 'lucky'?"
Harry snorted. "Poor you, watching muggles. Not interacting at all, not dealing with their stupidity, their prejudice, and to top it all off, you get to go home to your own world afterwards. I pity you, really." The sarcasm was very clear.
"What are you talking about Potter? You're saying you don't like living here?" Lucius had been told, like everyone else, that Harry Potter lived with loving, happy relatives.
"You just started watching me today, right?" Harry asked. At Lucius's nod he continued. "Well no, I don't like living here. My 'loving, happy relatives' hate me, and I return the sentiment. They hate magic and everything to do with it. They've even tried to beat and starve the magic out of me until I was eleven. I didn't even learn how my parents really died until I met Hagrid."
"You didn't know how your parents died?" Lucius was strangely troubled by the concept. Family was very strong in pureblood society and to keep something like that from a child was just wrong.
"I was told they died in a car crash." Harry replied. At Lucius's look of confusion he clarified. "Those metal things that go by on the pavement, people ride in them from place to place."
Suddenly Lucius realized what he was doing. "Potter, hand over your wand this instant." He demanded.
Harry laughed. "It's in the house." He answered. Lucius summoned the boy's wand and indeed it zoomed towards him from the house.
"Why aren't you fighting this?" Lucius demanded.
Harry looked up. "What would you do if I did? Knock me out and do whatever you were going to do anyway, right?" Lucius nodded. "So why bother? Do you mind if I go get me things though?"
Lucius shrugged. If the boy wanted to cooperate, why not humor him? And so he followed Potter to the boy's house only to be unable to enter the house after him.
"You didn't know about the wards?" Potter asked incredulously.
Lucius growled. Potter had tricked him! That little brat!
"Don't get your panties in a twist. I'm getting my things; I just need you to shrink them." Harry laughed and went off.
"Boy, what are you doing inside?" Vernon growled.
"I need my school things." Harry told his uncle. Before getting backhanded he added. "I'm leaving early."
"Early?" Vernon paused.
"I just need my things outside so I can leave." Harry assured his lard-ass of an uncle.
"Well why didn't you say so earlier?" Vernon grabbed a set of keys and unlocked the closet and nearly threw Harry's things towards the door. Wincing, Harry knew there was nothing he could do about his uncle and rushed upstairs to grab the last of his things and shove in his pockets.
"When are you coming back boy?" Vernon asked angrily after throwing the boy's things outside.
Harry turned to Lucius who still stood; dumbfounded that Potter had actually come back out.
"Your nephew will not be returning to you again. Thank you for looking after him for so long but we no longer require your assistance." Lucius told the whale.
Vernon snorted. "Good riddance" and he slammed the door on them.
"Would you mind repairing them as well as shrinking them please?" Harry asked politely.
Lucius did so and pocketed the boy's things himself. He didn't need the boy running off with all of his things. It was little insurance, but it was something.
"Thank you, so are we going?" Harry smirked.
Grabbing Potter's arms, Lucius apparated them away to his Lord's lair.