Author has written 5 stories for Saiyuki, and Yu-Gi-Oh. Latest Update: I changed my penname again...for the third freaky I am I guess nobody would know...And please watch out for a new fanfic next week maybe I'm going to post up a new one.New Pename: sK8Er BoI the readers actually read these Bios? Name: Josephine (But the rest I'm not telling, it's a secret.) That's all I have in mind right now cause I don't think readers would want to know every bit about my life so...*shrug* -_-" :)Prolems When She Writes(: 1.)I had always been fond of reading books since my childhood days up until now. So, it really wasn't such a prolem for me to imagine things up,but when I decide to write post a story here its very hard for me to explain what the characters are doing. So I'll either erase or leave it at that. 2.)To tell you the truth I am not at all a shy person though I am a worry wart. Sometimes before I post a story here or anywhere that accept fan fictions I tend to question myself about what or how the other reader's would react so I hesitate a little bit. I'm trying really hard to get rid of these problems. +What She's Lik+ I am a care-free, fun loving kind of girl who is always open to new ideas and loves to write and read. But I also like be lazy at times that I don't even want to lift a leg off the couch! ^^' I accept any effective criticism and hyper-excited reviews. And I believe that whatever guys can do we gals could also do! Afterall we're still the same human beings right? Since I was raised with six brothers when I was still a child I have this "tomgirl" side in me that I easily get addicted to videogames, basketball, hip music, jackets and hats. I get along pretty well with my guy buds too. Favorite Anime(s): Yu-Gi-Oh Type of stories I like: 1.) Humor/Action/Adventure- Gensomaden Saiyuki, Ranma 1/2 The rest they all go to the section of pure humor! ^_^ Most Favorite Book(s): The Little Princess I suggest you try reading these, they're really wonderful especially The Little Princess hwich is bestread from a child's point of view. Huh...I have been writing for more that an hour now so its best I stop I hope I haden't bored you all down to death. It wouldn't be nice to know. Blech! *Hahaha* |