Author has written 2 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, and Naruto. I've been struck with a massive case of Real Life, hence my lack of updates. Rest assured that my stories are merely on hiatus, rather than discontinued. Name: Just call me Shadowchan. Age: Old enough to know better, young enough to do it anyway. Location: Under your bed. Fav. Anime: Naruto, Shaman King, Fullmetal Alchemist, Death Note, Bleach Fav. Manga: Naruto, Shaman King, One Piece, Bleach Fav. Foodstuffs: Cupcakes, any and all curries, honesty the quality of the food is more important than any specific dish Fav. Colors: Black, silver, red. (Happy colors!) Likes/Hobbies: Martial arts, procrastination, reading, cooking, naptime... Hated things: Peta, politics, freeloaders, stereotypes, valley-girls, Mary-Sues (who doesn't?) And she draws, too! http:// My Stories! YUGIOH! and the Holy Grail Who Says Konoha is Peaceful? -Naruto and Sasuke read Sakura's diary, and chaos ensues. Sasuke tries desperately to dispel a rumor that he is gay with Naruto and Naruto tries to wound Sasuke's dignity without losing his own. I always look forward to working on this one! Bon lisez! Shadowchan |