![]() Author has written 6 stories for Doctor Who, and Torchwood. Hiya, So very quickly I am a teenage girl who would very much but sadly does not, live in England. I am also slightly obsessed with science fiction, and fantasy, but mainly sci-fi. I will obsessively rewatch/reread whole series when I feel like it. I love music, books, film, history, science. I love Doctor Who, Supernatural, Psych, Firefly, Babylon 5, Agatha Christie, Harry Potter, A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy(The book, the movie wasn't that great, liked the series better), Star Wars and all books related to the movies(especially the Thrawn trilogy and the following two books, if you know those series then *hands a cookie, and if you don't like cookies*rummages through house, here is a... Shakespeare bobble-head), and Lord of the Rings. I also love all things sci-fi and music. I am completely 10/Rose, Amy/Rory, Jack/Ianto, Gwen/Rhys, Tosh/Owen, Sheridan/Dellen, Han/Leia, Luke/Mara, and Shules. I am slightly 9/Rose and 11/Rose, 11/River, Mickey/Martha, Hermione/Ron, and Destiel(Only because I don't think it fits on the show, but I love it everywhere else, aka fanfiction.) I do not like any Doctor/Donna, 11/Amy, Doctor/Master, or Gwen/Jack. My stories- Thoughts in the Night- Jack...thinking...during the night, well thinking about his time with the Doctor. Complete Loving the Impossible- Rose, meta-crisis Doctor, the Doctor, Amy, and Rory all meet in the TARDIS. River and Jack come in later. Complete How to Forgive Him- Amy and Rory trying to get on with their life after the events of Good Man Goes to War and losing Melody. I'm guessing it would now be considered an AU after Let's Kill Hitler. Complete Buried Memories- Amy searches for her room after the events of Doctor's Wife, but stumbles upon a room filled with memories and a Rose carved on the door's handle. (One of those 'Amy finds Rose's room-confronts the Doctor' stories.) Complete There's Something in the Dark- Featuring the Eleventh Doctor, Amy and Rory(All post-Wedding of River Song), Martha Jones, Jack, Ianto, Tosh, Gwen and Owen(Post-Reset but Pre-Fragments), and an OC(Michael). A school in northern Maine is being haunted and Martha calls in the help of her friends at Torchwood. The day they arrive, the Doctor runs into his two friends and they also head to St. Aquistine's. This would be a really high T for violence and mentions of child abuse(the OC, not one of the canon characters.) Incomplete and abandoned. I am open to someone finishing it. Message me if you are interested. The Piano- This one's about a grand piano. Although it may seem very random and strange, it's more a nostalgic story featuring Amy, Rory, the Doctor(1,4,10, and 11), Rose, Martha, mentions of Jack, Sarah-Jane, and Susan at different points, I believe it goes- 11, Rory, Amy, then 1, Susan, then 4, Sarah-Jane, aaand then 10, Rose, followed by 10, Martha, ending with 11. It's kinda about how just a simple object can affect many people throughout the years. Complete Due to my year being insanely busy and stressful, I have stopped any attempts at writing as I will not be able to finish them. I am still open as a beta, but I will not be writing anything in the near future. -Dr. Christie |