Author has written 1 story for Sailor Moon. Ok here is my abridged Bio: My name is Jennifer and I am a 23 year old college student. I am currently in my fifth year and my focus is Animal Science with an emphasis on pre-veterinary medicine. My interests are too varied to list but my obsessions include: Labyrinth, Sailor Moon, Passions and Harry Potter. Pairings I like: Jareth and Sarah, Mamoru (Darien) and Usagi (Serena), Theresa and Ethan and Harry/Hermione (Or any others that capture my attention) all are in respective order. SD&PC is on hold for now although my editor has chapter 4 and I am just waiting for her to send it back to me so I can upload it. Also I am currently expecting my first child so who knows when the muses and plot bunnies will visit again! |
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