Author has written 4 stories for Twilight, Beyblade, and Glee. Well hello and welcome to my little corner of the world. I'll tell you right now my imagination is a dark and scary place but I'm braving the deep depths and crevasses just for you! I'll get the warnings out of the way right now: 1. I'm a lover of slash/yaoi/m&m whatever you want to call it...don't like it don't read it! 2. As I have said I have a dark and somewhat twisted imagination which seems to revolve around hurting the people I write about, does that scare anyone else or is it just me? 3. Word of warning to the wise, my mind has chewed through the lead and is now on the loose!! Now, lets get onto the important business...fanfiction! I have to admit I've got a rather strange range of stories...overactive and eclectic imagination I'm afraid. Stories I have written: Destiny Calls Us: A twilight fic set post eclipse. Basically I've gone off on a bit of a tangent following Jacob getting hurt in the final battle. WARNING: This involves slash! Twilight: In Progress 8 Signs: A glee fic focusing on the relationship between Rachel and Puck. Puckleberry! WARNING: some Finn bashing involved Glee: In Progress Misconceptions: A beyblade fic which explores the bladebreakers thoughts of their team mates. I am currently working on Kenny's POV but this is taking some time so please be patient. Beyblade: In Progress |