![]() Author has written 14 stories for Grandia, Legend of Zelda, Brigadoon, Spirited Away, Kingdom Hearts, and Final Fantasy X-2. 12/29/08 - There has been a long silence from me for the better part of a year. 2008 has been insanely busy for me! I got involved in a political campaign, ran an SCA event, worked two jobs for the Christmas season, and during the summer I dealt with family illness. You can see why I haven't been writing! However, for Christmas I got the remake of Chain of Memories for the PS2, and I just finished it - so you can expect more chapters of Road to Dawn soon, I'm hoping! I am definitely inspired, I just have to review my notes. Feel free to pester me over email or private message; I can always use the reminder. Latest updates: - 1/1/09, The Road to Dawn - Chapter 33 is up! - 3/2/07, It's All About Teamwork - a Kingdom Hearts oneshot partially inspired by this piece of fanart that I drew. (grin) About me: I've been writing original stories ever since I learned how to write, and my first fantasy story was written in fourth grade. I now have my Masters of Arts in Teaching and work as a tutor, but I continue to write when I have the time and hope to eventually become a published author. In recent years I've dabbled in fanfiction. I've written in the Kingdom Hearts, Legend of Zelda, Grandia, Labyrinth, and Brigadoon (anime) fandoms so far, and I continue to branch out as the inspiration strikes me. About my stories: My big project right now, as you can probably tell, is my Kingdom Hearts AU epic, The Road to Dawn. This story picks up at the end of Chain of Memories and then branches out from there, though there are a few references to Kingdom Hearts 2 - no major spoilers or anything though, as the plotline is completely different. I tend to go through cycles with this one, so don't panic if it looks like I haven't updated in a while...I will eventually! Sometimes I churn out several chapters at once, and sometimes I wait months before updating. But I promise this story will be completed someday, and I have everything planned out. I'm having tons of fun writing it. A quick note about some of my other stories - some are complete as they are. I've had requests for more chapters, but I've written all I feel there is to say in these stories. This is not to say I might not write further stories about the same subjects and characters, but please don't expect further updates to the following: Tree of Life, Opening Night, Thoughts of Home, The Bard of Ganbo, Snowfall, and NoFace. Mutual Collapse and Silent Passing are retellings of parts of the anime Brigadoon, so there is more to tell, technically speaking...but I have covered the parts of the anime that I wished to expand upon, so don't expect further chapters for those two stories. Unfinished stories include Sages of Song, Windswept, and The Seventh Sage. I admit, for Sages of Song I have committed the cardinal sin of beginning a story without knowing where I wished to go with it. Even worse, with Windswept I did much the same, with some vague ideas in mind...and then promptly forgot what those ideas were. (This will teach me to keep more careful notes.) But someday I hope to get back to these two stories and salvage them in an acceptable way...someday. The Seventh Sage was written some time ago, but I hadn't uploaded it till recently. There are several more chapters written, but they need some fine-tuning before they will go online. I will probably be working more on this story eventually, so keep an eye out for updates! As always, I read all reviews and give them careful consideration. I much appreciate the feedback! I can't promise to always return the favor, but I will try if I have the time and you write in a fandom I am familiar with. A couple more things - if you want to get in touch with me, feel free to email or private message, or you can IM me on any of the major programs (I use Trillian). My ICQ UIN is 2805081, and I use the name "arianadream" on most of the others. Please let me know if you're interested in beta reading, or if you just want to chat! (I'm friendly, really! I don't bite!) |