Cardea Starfyre
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Joined 11-06-02, id: 290486
Author has written 3 stories for Forgotten Realms, and Sailor Moon.
Hey everyone! If you're reading this you obviously have something better to do, but since you are reading it, I might as well indulge you. I am a working college student currently pursuing a degree in Biology/Environmental Science. (Just transfered to Florida State University.)I have survived the rigors of the International Baccalaureate Program (God did I spell that right?) and walked away with the diploma. (If there are any other IB "children" reading my stuff, let me know, and maybe we could share our survival stories. I am currently entertaining the idea of writing an original fiction about the capricious IB Gods.) If you have no idea what the hell I am talking about, consider yourself blessed.

Back to the information about me. I live in Panama City, Florida. GO HOME SPRING BREAKERS! ^_^ No, really.

I love my cats, Belle, Ella, Cab & Dizzy, and my dogs Mazy & Lilly. I watch anime and read manga on a regular basis. Current favorites include: X:TV Series, Vandread, Noir(Mirelle kicks ass!), Ragnarok, Planet Ladder, and Rebirth.

I play video games when I have the chance; I'm currently working on Suikoden III, again.(Although the Final Fantasy Games will always be my favorites.) I love to read, and I am currently reading The Crimson Gold by Voronica Whintey-Robinson (Having read all Forgotten Realms books books I can get my hands on...just finished up the Sembia series), and am halfway through The Simarilion by Tolkein(Finished the Lord of the Rings Trilogy before the movies came out). I also love the work of Elizabeth Hayden. Her Rhapsody books are absolutely the best!

I love stories set in the Forgotten Realms, Middle Earth, and Rhapsody's world, so those would be the type of stories I will be submitting(with a little video game fan fiction sprinkled in for good measure). I might write some Harry Potter (which I am slightly partial to, I just finished reading the Order of the Phoenix) stuff if I can find the time.

I am currently trying to learn how to make anime music videos...we'll see how that goes. I am addicted to Suggestions, corrections and collaborations are most welcome. I am in the need of Beta readers, so if you would like to sign up to read my entries before I post them to please e-mail me directly (Scathach27@). I would be very appreciative, because I need someone other than myself to read the stories to ensure they make sense and are easy enough to read.

Thank you, everyone for the helpful reviews. I will update the stories as soon as I can.

I have seen Pirates of the Caribbean too many times so far and absolutely love that movie. (Who can argue with Orlando Bloom & Johnny Depp?) Go see it if you haven't yet done so! Oh yeah, if you really wanna mess up your head go see Kill Bill. It is a strange broken thing.
Question: What should I call the tasty fantasy boys of LOTR & FR? (I know bishonen doesn't really fit, but I couldn't think of anything off hand that worked well.)E-mail me and let me know what I should refer to them as. (Somehow the notion of jellybeans popped into my head; please don't ask from where. I don't even like jellybeans!) Thanks.

I will try to shorten backstories in my Daughter of Kellindil(FR) Fic; I am sorry if it ended up sounding boring, but I felt that readers needed a solid base to understand where the characters came and their relationship to the other (copyrighted) characters in the Forgotten Realms universe when the action picks up. (The action picks up in Chapter 3: Moonlight, which is currently being worked on. We get our introduction to the remaining characters, and they are finally brought together.)I also didn't want to step on anyone's toes and I am trying to stay as true to the published works as possible, yet inserting an original character in their midst takes a certain amount of finesse. (I hope end up having that finesse.)

Happy reading!
~Cardea Starfyre~

P.S. If you have never gone to an anime convention and you consider yourself an otaku, do yourself a huge favor and go to one. (I had a blast!) This year my friends and I went in costume, but we had a great time. (It is always comforting to know that there are other people in this world that are just as strange as yourself.)

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Daughter of Kellindil reviews
This is the story of the daughter of the elven archer Kellindil, as she and her friends attempt to set things right in the Silver Marches. (Featuring appearances by: Drizzt, Guenhwyvar, Cattie-Brie, Regis, Bruenor, Wulfgar, Alustriel, and others)
Forgotten Realms - Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Adventure - Chapters: 3 - Words: 14,854 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 3 - Follows: 1 - Updated: 9/27/2003 - Published: 4/3/2003
When Fan Girls Attack! reviews
LOTR/FR Crossover: (Humor) The Companions of the Hall and the Fellowship of the Ring learn the value of friendship as they try to escape from every bishonen’s bane, Rabid Fan girls!
Forgotten Realms - Rated: K - English - Humor - Chapters: 2 - Words: 4,992 - Reviews: 23 - Favs: 8 - Follows: 2 - Updated: 9/27/2003 - Published: 4/8/2003
Poetry of Sailor Snotra
This is a collection of poetry written by a Sailor Soldier from an alternate universe. The story is current under production.
Sailor Moon - Rated: K - English - Poetry - Chapters: 2 - Words: 541 - Published: 4/8/2003