Author has written 29 stories for Princess Mononoke, Misc. Plays/Musicals, Digimon, Legend of Zelda, Ghost in the Shell, Evangelion, Final Fantasy X, Samurai Jack, Matrix, Kingdom Hearts, Fullmetal Alchemist, Bleach, Harry Potter, and Naruto. Minuet is uploaded at last. It's the story of Ocarina of Time, retold and narrated by Sheik. Being already finished, it will receive fairly swift updates. I'm aiming for new chapters each Monday and Thursday. Keep checking back for more. A new Zelda fic is in progress. No word yet when it will appear. The Dead Club, a Harry Potter fanfic, makes it debut today. Fallen Prophecy is effectively suspended. I don't know when and if it will be updated again. To the readers, and especially anyone who's held out hope this long for new chapters, I'm deeply sorry. I've been irresponsible. I hope for the chance to do many more short fics and I'm always looking for ideas, especially for the Bleach/Kingdom Hearts/FMA fandoms. Please feel free to leave a suggestion in a review, or visit my LJ and comment there. Web Sites I now have a fanworks LiveJournal for additional fanfiction as well as art, fanart, icons, and more. Check it out: Diamond Muse Also, feel free to visit my personal LiveJournal: Love Diamond |