Reviews for Samson and Delilah
Glassgills chapter 13 . 6/11/2012
Such a wonderful fic! I do so love how the characters come to life, yes, even Sir Hellsing. The pacing is very good and it was very enjoyable to read. Thank you so much for sharing it with us!
Sunshine Gumdrop chapter 13 . 11/8/2011
That last chapter made me sob loudly
Aldedron chapter 13 . 1/27/2011
Wow, this was such a good story. I just couldn't put it down!

How could people miss the Carmilla referrence? Then again, there ARE people who've never read Dracula yet claim they know everything... Well, I liked that Carmilla was in the story lol. And she was awesome. Why do the vampires always die? I hated it when Dracula died and I hated it when Carmilla died. Mostly Dracula, granted, but still. This The Last Unicorn story sounds interesting, as well. I'll have to look that up... Gah-! I love classics!

*clears throat* Back to your story

It was sad that Integra was all... retarded... but I found the probing of Walter's mind to be VERY interesting. He's got something of a parental protection of Integra, but so does Alucard for Seras- and yet it's not that simple! It's just not -_- And besides. Walter's a ridiculously violent person. In the OVA, the one where the Valentine brothers attack Hellsing, I recall Walter saying something along the lines of "Let's give these youngsters a real lesson in violence" with a creepy smile. Yeah. Such a kindly guy *rolls eyes*. So I liked that you incorporated his... frankly, psychopathic tendencies. The concept of him being some sort of experiment in the past was also interesting...

And I loved that pervasive theme of ambiguity, too

Ah-! Such a wonderful story! Sad day that I finished it T.T... Ah, well. It was good
BulletsforValentine chapter 12 . 10/15/2010
Still.. It's amazing that this story can keep me in reading it. It looks like poe's story, and you're great in characterizing our controlled Walter into a great madness.

Alucard sure isn't happy by his act
BulletsforValentine chapter 13 . 10/15/2010
er.. call me retarded or whatever you wish, but still... I can't understand this.. I was curious since the first, so I decided to keep reading in case I can understand better after some chapters. Yet, I can't.
shadow of the lost chapter 13 . 7/21/2010
this story is beautiful. you described walter's feelings and struggles wonderfully.
IVIaedhros chapter 13 . 12/20/2008
Thanks for the disturbing and awesome read. Walter's characterization is truly something to behold.
MithLuin chapter 13 . 7/9/2008
This must have been so difficult to write! I like that you take Walter seriously as a person, and tell the story from his point of view, even as it becomes more and more clear that his pov is warped. He is a tough nut to crack. Poor, poor Integra. I hope Alucard saves her from the goats some day.

Oh, as far as Alucard's fascination with the beauty of aging humans - I think it's just the novelty factor. Vampires don't age, so it's something he will never do for real. It's a clear sign of humanity. And despite his vast powers and vampiric pride, he does value humans as they only ones who can kill monsters. His comments about old!Walter are very similar to his comments about human!Anderson. For these reasons...I think he would be furious with Walter for turning Integra. But I have no problem with your explanations in the story, and am merely commenting on my own interpretation of canon. YMMV
Hermonthis chapter 12 . 5/14/2008
This story is horrific. In fact, all (if not most) of your Walter/Integra stories are horrific - and I love you for it. I find myself momentarily speechless due to the fact that I've *finally* finished reading and well, my personal emotions are all jumbled up inside. All I'm capable of at the moment is gaping in awe.

I remember a comment you made about Hellsing fandom being conservative.

But you, Crystalwren, you are definitely not.

(So much love for this... so much.)
nanashi-reikon chapter 12 . 12/31/2007
brilliant, amazing, tremendous. one can really get into the minds of the characters in the feeling you give them.

it amuses me that you never corrected the fussed and fused typos that i commented on o so long ago xD. no worries, i'll write it off to creative license or summat.

reading it through at first, i thought the ending was too abrupt and odd, but rethinking over it, it fits perfectly with just the right words to end.

not entirely back from retiring from reading fanfics mostly because of the really unbearable ones, so its an added bonus that i stopped ignoring everything for this story, but its completely worth it.


enjoys your igloo while global warming is still in its infancy.
AnubisAcolyte chapter 12 . 7/21/2007
This entire fanfic was...indescribably beautiful.
Lemisah chapter 12 . 4/8/2007
...This fict is one of those few gems that makes worthwhile. Smashing job.
x-EpicSquish-x chapter 1 . 4/2/2007
ok... this is kinda confusing... but u did a good job on it though! and i luv the name of the first chapter/ title...but thats only cause my names delilah...ok done with random writing. but why did he kill her in the first place?
Dalia N'Shard chapter 12 . 3/11/2007
I finally finished this and all I can say
Azrianiel chapter 12 . 1/30/2007
Wow. *blinkblink* That was definately disturbing. But also very, very good. You totally changed my perception of Walter. I don't think I'll ever be able look at another Walter/Seras fic the same again. Minor problem with your spelling and grammar, though.
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