Author has written 9 stories for Final Fantasy VIII, Sailor Moon, Final Fantasy X-2, Inuyasha, Resident Evil, Legend of Zelda, Kingdom Hearts, and Fairy Tail. I realize that I've been a member for a very long time and that I haven't updated this since I joined. I was MUCH younger then and I suppose I thought misspelling every other word was humorous or something. Anyway, I'm pretty cut and dry- I write, I play games, I read manga, I watch anime, and I took Japanese in college. I primarily write original fiction, but I still have a fond place in my heart for fanfiction because it taught me how to write. I read stories on here all the time, but I don't generally review unless I'm REALLY blown away. If you're interested in reading my original fiction after reading some of my fan-work, check out my FictionPress site- Love me, love my work or hate both. No worries. Karma is a biatch! The end! |
Ame Yumeko (9) BirdofSong (12) bluebottlebutterfly (22) Bozena (2) daddyz-girl (3) Fairy Armadillo (4) FreyjaBee (32) | Glimare (112) Halcyon20 (0) Jade16 (0) LikeARunaway (19) Lil Dorothy (1) liz012014 (17) MizzyPlatinum (0) Rikku's twin (9) | Sabriel41 (72) Saravelda (7) SquallStorm (11) Takai-taka (0) untameddisaster (3) |