Author has written 13 stories for Elisabeth, Thor, Les Miserables, Doctor Who, Harry Potter, and Sherlock. UPDATES 4/9/12: Nearly caught up on everything. :) In English: Hello everyone! I go by many names... (and if you get that reference, I love you) I've been writing fanfiction for a while now. I remember when I was seven or eight and decided to write a Harry Potter fanfiction; it's absolutely terrible, but I thought it was pretty cool back then! I'm a Francophile and an Anglophile and regrettably American. Such is life. En francais (mais je n'ai pas des accents, regrette): Bonjour, tout le monde! Je m'appelle beaucoup de noms... (et si tu comprends cette chose, je t'adore) J'avais ecrit fanfiction pour beaucoup de temps. Je me souviens quand j'avais sept ou huit ans, et j'ai decide a ecrire un fanfiction d'Harry Potter; c'etait tres terrible, mais avant, je l'ai pense tres cool! Je suis une Francophile et une Anglophile, mais je regrette que je suis americaine aussi. C'est la vie. Fandoms I Love/Les Fandoms que j'adore: Pairings: -Elisabeth das Musical -Les Miserables -Mozart l'Opera Rock -Supernatural By the way, I am neither a native French nor a native German speaker. So, if any of the foreign language material here or in my fanfictions is incorrect, feel free to let me know. I am always open to learning new things! |