![]() Author has written 3 stories for Metroid, and Star Wars. Female fanfiction writer specializing in the Metroid video game series at the moment. I used to write fiction for DBZ, Gundam Wing, etc. Not so much anymore though. Kind of, I don't know, outgrew it, I guess? Same with stories focusing on male/male relationships. Used to be pretty into that, but not so much any longer. The only slash pairings I still like are Broly x Goku, Goku x Vegeta of the DBZ series. I still read "yaoi" stories from time to time though. Now days though, you will notice a great deal of my works focus on the pairing of Samus Aran x Adam Malkovich of Metroid fame and lore. I'm absolutely crazy about those two as a couple, or even in general. Also, I'm going to tell you, the Reader, right now that my Metroid stories aren't typical in that they tend to focus more on what me and my friend like to call "Human Samus" and her life outside of bounty hunting and mercenary work. So, if you're a devote follower of the Holy Canon Bible, do go play one of the great games in the series instead, rather than waste your and my time writing a "flame" about how my story isn't Canon. And I make no apologies about that. That said, hope you enjoy my work, not that I really care what others think about it -- I write for myself first, and if people like it, hooray. If not, oh well. |