![]() Author has written 14 stories for Dragon Ball Z, Angel, Lazytown, Guild Wars, Avengers, Game of Thrones, and Guardians of the Galaxy. I am Pryzm the Kess. I am posting all my DBZ, Buffy/Angel and Lazytown fic here, though you can find all my other stuff at my website. Please let me know what you think of any of my work - I am always interested in knowing what the readers think. I have a promise that I give to my readers - if I post a story, I will finish it - no matter how long it takes. Most of the time, I have it finished before I start posting it. Sometimes, I post when I am close enough to being done that I can't possibly screw it up. Sometimes, I post it when I think I'm close enough, and I keep you waiting longer than I intend. When this happens, I can only say sorry. I currently have the following goodies in the works. Email me if you want to see one change position on the list - these are in the order I thought of them in, but it I have a lot of support for one over the others, I will presue it. Only the "In Progress" fic will not be bumped, because it is usually the one I'm closest to completing. My YIM is pryzmkess; my AIM is nachtlovi. Anytime I'm on-line, feel free to chat with me. Buffy/Angel fiction Completed: Juxaposition (Angel) - A fun little AU fiction looking at what life would be like at the Hyperion if some things were reversed. In the Works: DBZ fiction Completed: One Kiss - Vegeta and Yamcha make a wager, and Bulma is the bet. But what will be the prize? Another Kiss - The winner of the bet in One Kiss finds out that winning the prize isn't always what you want. But what will he do about it? Prince of All - Vegeta has found himself in love with the Earth-woman Bulma. She is in a happy relationship, and he hides his feelings well. But when an off-world danger threatens, and Vegeta is her only hope, can he continue to hide what he feels? Heir to the Empire -A story about a father and his son. A false queen sits on the throne of Vegeta-sei, and an illegitmate child is named prince. What happens when a slave rises to claim his crown? Complete AU, set on a un-blown up Vegetisai. Fiction in the Works Being Posted: St. Georges - BV with some GCc thrown in for flavor and contrast. Complete AU in which the charaters are all involved in the horse's industries most dangerous sport: Eventing! Who will win the Grande Prix, the highest award in their sport, and who will win love? Part One of The Grande Prix Series. In Progress: The Road to the Grande Prix - BV and GCc sequal to St. Georges. Part Two of The Grande Prix Series. Complete AU in which the charaters are all involved in the horse's industries most dangerous sport: Eventing! Who will win the Grande Prix, the highest award in their sport, and who will win love? Planned: The Grande Prix - BV and GCc sequal to The Road to the Grande Prix. Part Three of The Grande Prix Series. Complete AU in which the charaters are all involved in the horse's industries most dangerous sport: Eventing! Who will win the Grande Prix, the highest award in their sport, and who will win love? Planning Stages (rough plot, no work done yet): Unnamed (taking suggestions!) B/V set in a DBZ Universe AU. The human child named Bulma is the only known survivor of the Saiyan purge. Through a strange twist of fate, the girl is adopted by Lord Frieza. But her pampered life is shattered when a Saiyan prince discovers that she holds the key to the Lizard King's defeat. Conceived (basic idea hammered out): The Strongest Woman B/V DBZ Universe AU in which Bulma is one of the Z Fighters. When the Saiyans come to Earth for their missing brother, her bravely and combat skill catches the eye of the Saiyan Prince. Twinkle in my eye: Post Call (working title only) B/V Complete AU. Involves race horses this time. I know, I'm sick and addicted to two things that go together so poorly... But I make them fit like a nerf ball in a jewerly box! I also hope to complete fics in the following "categories": Complete DBZ AU high school fic |