Author has written 5 stories for A-Team. It's been a reeeeally long time since I last wrote fanfic. In my previous life I published here under "talutha" but given the amount of elapsed time and the sad fact that I have NO IDEA what my password was and can't bebothered trying to reinstate it I thought a new pseudonym was in order. Casual acquaintances are often surprised to find that I harbour two quiet passions: Eurovision and 80s TV. Obviously I have a secret adoration for glitz, fake tans and white pants. I also harbour a quiet passion for canon. Unless I'm inspired to be highly experimental, I tend not to verge too far away from the canon that makes my fandom something I like. Bizarre and unlikely relationships are not likely to be found much in my work. This said, however, there are always moments when you look at something in canon and say "hmmm, I wonder if this was just underdeveloped/writers ran out of time/decided to take a different direction at the last moment/etc etc". Those moments are goldmines and without them fanfic would not exist. Currently I'm a little obsessed with the A-Team fics that I can't stop writing. Reading fan forums are great sources of inspiration - they gave birth to "Alpha Unit: MIA" and a Frankie fic still in the works. Tawnia and Frankie have to be two of the most disliked characters in the line up and, although I do kind of understand why, it strikes me as unfair. They are not unlikeable characters and are fun to play with as a fic writer. I like them. I'm just going to come right out and say it. Don't mind all kinds of comments - if you spot inconsistencies or awkwardness, go to town. Sometimes you reread your own writing so often the words stop making sense. You may need to go a little easy on spelling and word use - I like good spelling. It makes my day. But I live in a country where US English is not the norm (unless you are lazy and get MS Word to do all the work for you) and I use words like "kerb" and" mum" and "trousers" so forgive my British spelling. It is also correct! Find me on FB as Jaimie Duncan, LJ as Hecticality or shoot me an email anytime. - Hecticality :) |