![]() Author has written 2 stories for Twilight. Monstress is my first story I've ever written. This is my third go of it. The first two times I wrote it, I only got a couple chapters into it before I tossed it. I've really enjoyed the challenge it's brought. Uh, my age? Do I really have to tell you that? NAH. I'm middle aged, that's close as it's going to come to be written down. I live in Montana... in a valley surrounded by trees actaully, and a snaking river running down the middle. Very, very small town. I love and hate it at the same time. It's peaceful and quiet. Too quiet sometimes. I hope you enjoy the story I've written. If you ever have any questions just ask. Thanks to everyone who's supported me in this! I've been having a ton of fun writing it. ~Hopeless Romantic Awards~ Blogspot has nominated Monstress for; ~Best Original Story Line ~Best Virginity Loss ~Best Swinger ~Best Writer Award MONSTRESS HAS WON!! ~BEST SWINGER AWARD ~ ON HOPELESS ROMANTIC AWARDS! ~ SHE GOT A GOLDEN APPLE!! ~x~ "Bless him who rings my bell today! Oh, let no stranger pass this way without a flask of cheer from me. However burdened I may be. Bless the neighbor too who rings, Just when a thousand clamoring things would claim my time, but may he find me neighboring and always kind Give him a flask of cheer and send him on his way. And for the friend who enters here reserve a blessing doubly of good cheer, Sent upon a cheerier way. The friend who rings my bell today. Quotes and whatnot's; Just because you aren't paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you! “A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy?” ~ALbert Einstein “Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness. And they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy... or they become legend.” ~Jim Harrison "Wait! I think I have something important to say... I do... I'm not listening to you anymore. ~Harry from Harry's Law. I live in my own little world in my head, but it's ok, they all know me there. Illic es non bardus questions, tantum bardus populus quisnam scisco questions Beware of a person of one book. "Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss." - Douglas Adams Be sure it's true when you say "I love you" It's a sin to tell a lie Millions of hearts have been broken Just because these words were spoken AMADEUS~ Hey, I’m just the voice inside your head, remember? I only say what you tell me to. XXXX |