I always see people put in their authors notes that this is their first story and to go easy on them... now I understand why. I'm a little nervous. I didn't think I would be. But hey, I want to share the story that's been brewing in my mind for a time now, so... I'll deal.

Please don't be offended if I don't respond to anyones input, advice, or comments. I know where this story is going and where it ends. If you don't like it, it's simple enough not to read it.





I watched, squatted on my haunches as the two men advanced to the back of the cooler truck and loaded box after box. They were at ease with their tasks completely unaware of their surroundings or what was going on within them. Idly chatting to one another, one skinny and short, the other one a little taller but had some chunk to him. The volunteer building only 7 paces from the rear of the cooler truck they were loading, it was taking them no time to load. The rear parking lot lay empty save for a couple volunteer vehicles, it was edged right up against the vast forest behind me. I could hear the hustle and bustle inside the old building, the volunteers packing up from the day to go home. I counted 9 other heartbeats in the place, voices raising and lowering as those inside conversed with one another. I blinked changing my vision so I could see them more clearly through the walls.

I sat back from the place a good 50 ft, right inside the tree line, studying what was taking place in front of me, waiting for my opportunity. The back of the truck was almost filled. It was harder when they were less organized, you couldn't rely on a set of actions to comply with mine. Time for some action, I was tired of waiting around and they were nearly finished.

I believed that a good ol' distraction was in order. It always did the trick. I couldn't go out in the sun, and these two guys would be leaving soon. Nightfall would be here soon and the truck would be on the road. We could follow and take them then, but that could get messy and they would report it. Taking from the back of the truck, only a couple of boxes could be added up to incompetence and the failure to add correctly. It was all around safer and less effort this way.

I looked around wondering what the hell I was going to do. Blinking again to normal sight, I sighed in frustration. There wasn't much here to look at. I didn't want to destroy their cars or anything. I wasn't here to hurt them or the property. That would defeat the purpose of me sitting here for the last 2 hours waiting for them to start loading the truck and then leave me alone with it for 15 seconds. I only needed 15 measly seconds for crying in a bucket! Or less.

I sighed. "I need some help with the distraction, what do you suggest?" I whispered into the afternoon breeze.

Silence followed. Great. Seemed I was talking to myself. I didn't even hear my comrade leave; I was too focused on the 2 men chatting away. They were worse than gossipy woman in a nail salon.

Suddenly from the front of the building there was a load crash and a fountain of water suddenly appeared over the front of the one story building and then fell then rose again. I smiled. Fire hydrant, brilliant, why didn't I think of that?

It worked too; the men were rushing to the front of the building with exclamations on their lips along with confusion. I eyed the back of the van and watched as three boxes lift seemingly by themselves into the air. The boxes flew towards me flying over the ground fast enough to be a mere blur. Nearing they slowed slightly until they were in the arms of the woman next to me. See? Was that so fucking difficult? 15 seconds! More like 10 but whose counting.

I gave her a sideways look, grabbed a box from her, and wrinkled my nose as we took off into the trees, not looking back to see the chaos pursue. That didn't matter. The only part that mattered was that we had the boxes and no one had seen. "That was fantastic. One of your best I must say. Although, that ripe smell coming off of you from the storm drain, I assume you went through, isn't going to make your mate very happy."

"He'll get over it. He'd fuck me if I was drenched in alligator piss." We both laughed knowing it was true.

"You know that wasn't my fault, I told you to back up."

She gave me an incredulous look, "You didn't tell me to back up, you told me to duck!"


"My ass! You got me covered in piss all because you thought it would be cool to be Crocodile Dundee for a day. A whole fucking day! Totally not worth getting pissed on!"

"It was a good idea at the time, how was I suppose to know it would piss like that!" I chuckled "Besides as you said, Peter still fucked you anyway."

"That's because he didn't want to wait a week while the smell wore off!"

"It was a good idea. Though, those fucking teeth and claws stunk forever! I'm just glad it eventually wore off. You have to admit between the teeth and the claws it was worth it."

"I will never again go croc hunting with you."

"Yes, you will."

She paused as if contemplating it, "Yeah, your right. I would go again, but next time I'm holding the croc."

We sped up laughing, anxious to get home.

"Nice job by the way, and the good shit at that! That'll help the pissiness that Peter will throw my way from my stench when we get to camp."

"Better his pissiness than an alligators."

She smacked my arm and laughed.

We both chuckled and spurred each other on as we made our way through the undergrowth eventually taking to the trees and zigzagging our way across the vast forest that lead us home.

It wasn't long before we got back to the fortress. Dropping off our new supplies I raced for the shower.

Our shower consisted of a waterfall coming out of the mountain that made up the back of our home. It came off the mountain in sections and was one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen. It ascended 150ft. from the angular rocks that lay at its foundation. Half way down, the cascade of water separated, forming 2 private waterfalls that were about 11 spacious ft. each. If you stood in one you couldn't see the other, the middle formation jutted out too extensively. It was perfect and beautiful.

I shed my clothes, quickly climbing into the spray, retrieving soap from the back ledge under the spray. Washing off the grime and filth that stuck to me I moaned and groaned. I hated putting that shit on my body; camouflage was necessary though and came with the territory.

We were lucky when we found this place and it's hidden wonders. If I didn't know better I would think the place was made for us. The canopy of evergreens rose above us giving us the desired shade from the sun and creating a cosmic affect that made us feel as if we were the only ones in the world. Surrounding and protecting us from a world we no longer were apart of. It brought a peace to me that was much needed and appreciated.

We had been here for the last 6 years. Building and waiting. Doing necessary recon. There wasn't much to do on down time anyway, not that there was much of it, and the restlessness was sometimes too much. There was always so much to do, but only so much you could do at a time. So we took a chapter out of Robin Hood and built our fortress. This fortress and one just like it about 3 miles away. The other one is three times as large and tree houses are three times as many. This one housed Peter and Charlotte in one of the rooms and Nevell and I had our own rooms separate from each other. We had a mile of fortress constructed into the trees. There were only 9 rooms total. Spaced far apart for as much privacy as possible. One main large room that was constructed for all of us to gather having all the commodities we need to feed and converse. A studio of sorts that was separated into sections each of us having a large corner of it for whatever we each individually wanted to do with it. It was actually larger than the main 'house'. The other 4 one-room dwellings were situated away from each other as well and were just one-bedroom dwellings. Each section was connected with swinging bridges. We really didn't need those but it made for appearances and it looked cool. We all gave each other the privacy that we could, but that was difficult at times and impossible at others. I had grown used to sharing certain aspects of my life that I once would have never considered sharing or thought I would have to.

It really didn't bother me. In the past 15 years I had grown accustomed to lots of things that were so far beyond me as a human. I had to adjust quickly; there had been no choice. It was either that or have the Volturi step in and take care of me.

I thank Nevell for that full heartily. When I woke up in this life I was freaking out and having the biggest emo-session that you could possibly imagine. And I was alone. So fucking alone. There was no one that could help me. I couldn't remember my name or how I got where I was and all the while was trying to avoid the shit storm around me. My new sight, smell, hearing, it was all too much in it's own right. Then add the tornado that started happening around me and it was, too say the least, overwhelming. I was jumping at my shadow for Christ's sake!

Nevell found me. I was running around Canada 2 months later trying to dodge another shit storm. He came up on me and thought an unseen, unknown force was attacking me. I was trying to calm down and catch myself some dinner and the thirst had overcome me. He gave chase trying to help calm me the fuck down, or save me maybe, and watched in bewildered silence as a deer passed in front of me, flew by me I should say. I attacked it, drained it, quenched part of my thirst, and the shit storm settled to a degree that made me approachable. He was dumbfounded. I was exhausted.

When I could articulate again, I tried to explain to him what I thought was going on. He stepped in and helped me. I think I was a bit of a conundrum to him and a fascinating puzzle he thought he should try to solve in the beginning. I let him. I needed all the help I could get. He was intrigued. I would have been too. We found out together what made me tick, what set off the storms of destruction, how to control it, and we became close over the next 3 years. It took some time.

Being a new vampire and not knowing who I was or where I came from, letting Nevell close enough to me to help me? To say it was intense would be an understatement. I was more than a little wary. He stayed by my side though and wouldn't budge. I was thirsty all the time and my mood swings were diabolical. I didn't know the answers to his questions. I knew I was a vampire that was about the extent of it. I had no internal compass, no idea what this all meant, or how I was going to go about it. I was confused and emotional.

After some prodding and goading from Nevell I started to remember my previous life before this one. In more detail than I wanted. I remembered things that I wished would have been eaten away by the venom. Nevell listened and at the time I worried about him taking me under his wing. For many reasons. There were so many unknowns surrounding me. Equations that did not add up, who was I suppose to trust? The more I remembered the less I knew the answers, and was afraid to find some of them out. I didn't know what he wanted from me. I knew he was different, which scared me. He's a quiet guy and I found it hard to ask my questions about him or what he was planning on doing with me. I was scared of my own shadow. When I was more stable he told me some about his life. How he had come about. I started to ask questions and gradually I pulled my head out of my ass and realized how lucky I was to have found Nevell.

Over time and many conversations that lasted days we found that we had something in common. The Cullens. He knew of Carlisle, had seen him in Vulterra decades before. Once we made that realization a whole other shit storm started brewing. Questions arose that couldn't be answered and were a wash with a kaleidoscope of confusion. We pieced things together to a degree, but we needed more information. He told me about a couple of vampires that could possibly help us and so we set off in that third year to find them.

These two vampires knew one of the Cullens. The first Cullen, coincidently, I remembered when the images finally started coming from my past. He was actually in the forefront even before my human family was. His face was always in the background of my thoughts once his face emerged in them.

It took 2 years to track them down. If you don't want to be found in this world, it's easy to get lost and all but forgotten in the life we live. Nevell put out feelers in enough places in the underground that eventually they had found us. They wanted to know what the hell we were raising all the fuss about and why we had sought them out. Vampires are like cats. They can only let the mouse run in front of them so many times before they reach out and put a paw on it.

We told them who we were, what information we had gathered from each other, and what I had eventually remembered in all its glory. Nevell, of course put a huge chunk of the pieces together with information he already had, and I filled in some major gaps and information I didn't even know I had. We took time piecing shit together. Peter and Charlotte knew Jasper, and the rest of the Cullens. They hadn't seen them in years. Peter and Charlotte were more nomads like Nevell. It had been too hard to keep up with the Cullens. Peter said the last time they had seen them was ironically Forks. Then they disappeared. Phone numbers were changed, and to vampires the 7 years they hadn't had contact was not unheard of. In fact it had been 13 years before that rendezvous in forks that they had seen Jasper. We told them of our theories, they added to them, and we quickly combined forces.

The next 10 years was entertaining to say the least.

I was interrupted from my musing as Nevell joined me under the spray. I had felt him approaching and when he joined me the soothing beat of his heart relaxed me more than the spray of the water ever could. We were close, and had shared many things, but never had become anything… more. He knew that what laid in wait for me was much more than he could compete with and kept our relationship chaste. We were comfortable around each other though and grew into a comfortable understanding. That didn't stop our flirting, how could you not? The man had etheral beauty of a vampire.

"Peter is having a fit over Charlotte's new... perfume," he chuckled and began to wash.

I laughed at that. I'm sure 'fit' was a polite way of saying Peter was having an utter cow. "I'm sure he is. I don't blame him really, but that was pretty genius of her to access the drainage to create the distraction that was needed."

He snorted, "You know as well as I do that you could have done the same thing without having her wade into that muck." I knew he was right, but Charlotte liked being a part of our exploits, she liked having her hand in our adventures.

I shrugged my shoulders, "Peter will get over it. Charlotte is her own woman and I have no control over her. She does what she wants when she wants to; I don't stand in her way. Besides it takes some of the pressure off of me. Shit can go funky in a second when it comes to me."

He shook his head, his shoulders shaking with the laughter that was threatening to overflow, "Whatever you say. You aren't a damsel in distress and you know it, you could have gone alone and saved Charlotte the spanking she's getting."

"Like Charlotte would complain about that! I know I'm not a damsel, but it's more fun with a cohort."

"I hear ya there," he gave me a look that said more than the words he put forth. With a smirk on my lips I winked at him turning and climbing out of the waterfall and sat on the flat rock on shore that held the rest of the evening sun. Relaxing and letting it dry me naturally.

Nevell finished and joined me. We were quiet for sometime again.

"Are you nervous?" he asked in a quiet voice that belied the curiosity that I knew was bubbling over inside him. He knew how important the next events were to me. To all of us really, but for me it was coming face to face with my past and it was more personal for me than it was for the others. The outcome of this would be the truth to all that had been the last 15 years, eh, the last 20 years. A small part of me wondered and doubted my feelings and myself. But the larger part of me wanted to have gone in months if not years ago. I knew I couldn't though. Knew it would create more problems in the long run. We had to have all our information and sources confirmed and we had to have the right attack formulated. The right people in place. What we were about to stir up was bigger than any of us. Once shit hit the fan we had to have our ducks in a row to follow through. And we did. All we had been waiting for was the arrival of said Cullens to get into place.

We had been keeping tabs on them for the past 9 years. Our connections said that they were preparing to come back to their house 550 miles north of here tomorrow morning. That had worked out in our favor beyond our dreams.

I sighed and answered his question "More anxious than anything. I just want this part to go smoothly… get in get out without a hitch. So much depends on the reactions of a select few… that part makes me nervous. The unpredictability of it, ya know?"

"You have to remember that you are one bad ass fucking vampire now and we have back up plans for our back up plans if shit goes wrong. Just be patient and keep your shit together. We've been through more than this, with less. I know you want to go in there guns blazing, but remember the larger picture."

Sighing I stood up, " I know, once we start I'll be focused." Turning to wink at him I grabbed my clothes and took off into the darkness that had enveloped us making my way to my cabin in the treetops. Passing by the main house I grabbed a package of our loot today to take with me.

I'll try to update once a week if not more. As the story progresses it may become ONLY once a week. THanks for reading!