Author has written 17 stories for Bleach, Highschool of the Dead, One Piece, Naruto, Left 4 Dead, Avengers, and Hetalia - Axis Powers. Hey guys! Thanks for visiting my page XD If you review or favourite any of my stories I'll love you forever. I love to know what you guys think of my stuff and it really means a lot when you go out of your way to write a review, even if it's just a few words or a smiley face :D A little bit about myself -I'm a college student from England. -I study English, Maths and Biology at A-level. -I have reddy-brown hair and hazel eyes. -I write fanfics and original stories (although I have yet to finish one... :( ) -I am half-English and half-Scottish, I even have the ridiculous amount of freckles to prove it. XD -I'm an anime and manga nut (go to my anime-planet profile to find out more and see what I have watched... it's a rather long list... http:///users/lls341) -I'm a Yaoi fangirl :D -I'm not normal and I'm proud of it, who wants to be regular, anyway? -You can also find me at: http:/// and -If you have a request or an idea for a fanfic for any of the anime I have seen then feel free to send me a message :) So, as you may or may not know (depending on whether you're on my deviantart) I've decided to take up the 100 themes writing challenge. And now, because I'm lazy like that, I'm going to copy what I wrote on my dA onto here... I've recently come to the conclusion that I suffer from chronic procrastinationitus, my theory is that I leave things until the very last minute and then end up rushing them so that they come out really badly So I've decided to give myself a bit of motivation to actually write something as often as I can physically manage, even if it's just a short little drabble or something. So, I've decided to try out the 100 themes writers challenge (set by Darknessversuslight who is sadly no longer on dA, so I can't inform her that I'm taking the challenge. But if you want to try it yourself then it's still linked in her group :) ) So this is the list, I don't know whether I'll do them in order or not yet, we'll have to wait and see :D The List So wish me luck guys, I'll mark off the ones I've done. Some may be original pieces, if that happens than they'll be posted to my account, it's the same user name if you want to find me, I'll probably put a link at the top of this page :D Top 5 Anime 1. Fullmetal Alchemist (brotherhood more than the original, although the original was still amazing XD)- Any programme which can create a whole cast of female characters who I don't want to punch in the face is a winner in my books. Hawkeye is one of my favourite characters ever, and all the others are amazing too. Great storyline and if you haven't seen it yet then what have you been doing with your life?! Go an watch it now! That's an order, soldier. 2. Cowboy Bebop- Kind of on the older side, it came out in 1998, but don't let this put you off, it's an absolutely amazing anime and also one of the few which I could actually bear to watch the dub of. Sadly it's only 26 episodes long, but the special episode and the movie kind of make up for it. A definite must see, few anime have made me laugh or cry as hard as this one. I truly take my hat off to the creators. 3. Shaman King- My first ever anime, the show which started it all. I adore this programme and I'm not even completely sure why. I haven't sat down and watched the sub of it yet but I will eventually, for now I'm happy to keep it as a treasured childhood memory. 4. Highschool of the dead- Definite, definite, must watch for all lovers of zombie-anything. All I can say is: "Bring on the next series!!" 5. Ao no Exorcist- The newest series on my list, it's quickly nudging its way into my heart love Rin as a character. I'm sure I'll end up writing some fanfics for the series but for now I'm going to let the plot develop a bit moreI have to admit that I grumbled a bit when I first saw that they were changing the storyline from that of the manga, but I think I may actually like the anime one more. I hope there'll be a lot more episodes coming :) Honourable mention- I didn't think I should put this one in with the others since it's a film not a series but if you get a chance you have definitely got to check out "The girl who leapt through time", it's one of the best films I've ever seen and I can just keep watching it over and over again. Seriously good, definitely worth a watch no matter what your feelings are towards anime or specific genres. |