Theme 3 for the 100 themes writing challenge - Making history

Just a short one today because I was mega busy, this one's based around Deidara, one of my absolute favourite characters of all time :D For some reason I had real trouble with this one, I just couldn't think of anything for it... Oh well, I got it done so that's good :)

Enjoy guys xx

I was once told that I would never make anything of myself- that I would spend my life as an average Shinobi. I'd either die in battle as a nameless casualty or retire once I outlived my usefulness. Perhaps I'd raise a family; they'd follow in my footsteps of averageness.

One day, when I was young I decided that I was sick of the repetition. I was sick of being surrounded by earth- solid, reliable, unchanging earth. I asked to be transferred to the explosion corps, in the hopes that it would provide some semblance of excitement and change. For a time it worked, but before long I found myself craving greatness. I wanted to be known. For everyone to know my face and know my work.

I was already an explosives expert, 'a prodigy' as the Tsuchikage put it. But I needed more power for them to truly become art. I needed to place a personal mark upon it to make it uniquely mine. In that fleeting moment of beauty I needed people to say "Wow, that's Deidara's work!" I needed to be recognised.

So I stole the Shunshin no Geijutsu, later in life people would ask me whether I regretted giving up the life I could have had before I had even truly started living, just for one technique. When they did I would just laugh, if someone couldn't understand why I needed the technique then they did not deserve an explanation.

I don't regret it; even now that I stand before death's door I don't regret it. Because it all became part of the story that lead to my final and greatest victory. I don't doubt that some will see my death as meaningless, a few may mourn me, but those who truly know me will understand.

I didn't just die in an explosion, I became the explosion. I was one with my art and I died happy in the knowledge that my passing would shake the world, both literally and metaphorically.

I hope that I'll be known across the shinobi world as the true explosions-master. That hopefuls for the explosion corps will travel to the crater I left in the face of the Earth and see what they could accomplish.

I hope I made history.