Author has written 18 stories for Glee. So so so... I'm a singer who loves to write as a hobby. I plan to become a school counselor after high school. I play the alto/baritone saxophones (ALWAYS practice safe sax- wear a neck strap) marching band is basically the best thing that happened to the world. Also, I'm completely OBSESSED with Queen. Freddie Mercury is my hero, and I believe that he died way too young. I also enjoy listening to David Bowie, Blue October, Lady Gaga, and, of course, everything Darren Criss. I love many, many books, such as Harry Potter, Ranger's Apprentice, the original three Mortal Instruments (I can't stand the fourth), and a bunch of others I'm too lazy to name right now. Last, yet the best, Klaine is my fucking OTP. |
Chazzam (24) | CP Coulter (1) | nolongeractive11 (0) |