Dear Readers, I'm sorry to say that I won't be continuing this story. You see, Blaine is me. These letters are literally ones that I have been writing to my ex, only tweaked a little to fit into the Glee verse. I thought I'd be able to handle having these up on the web, but it turns out I was wrong. All of the "I hope they get back together," and the "poor Blaine"s were really getting to me. Writing letters to Duran turned into I'm not blaming any of you for anything, I was the one who decided to post these on the internet, and the response to this has been lovely. I appreciate all of your kind words, but Duran and I aren't getting back together, and I've come to accept this now. Thank you all again for the lovely words of encouragement, and I apologize for any disappointment. I love you all. Sydni