Author has written 21 stories for Harry Potter.
My name is jasmyn, and i've been writing FanFic since 98. mostly Hanson(big fan) but more recently Harry Potter, my new obession. *grin*
If any one reads the Prophecy Series(as i started calling it that, 3 second ago... catchy, huh?), please note, they will make MUCH more sense read in this order:
Prophecy, Truthfully, Chaos, Disorder.
(note: They are in the backwards order of which I wrote them. neat, huh?)
The plan was for them to be able to stand on their own, but be a series as well. *shrugs* I dunno that i captured that but i tried. :)
oh yes, Please please please, READ AND REVIEW! they make me so happy, i can't even tell you! Thanks!
so, here i leave you with a final quote:
Wow, thats quite an accomplishment. I mean, being melodramatic is already being really dramatic, but being over-melodramatic, is just... wow.--my cousin