Author has written 4 stories for Kingdom Hearts. Just your average KH fangirl. A little less obsession, please. I live in Kentucky, slightly Southern. Graduating High School, spend my time writing, roleplaying, music, acting, anything to do with the arts, and terrorizing my friends/fellow roleplayers. A lot of the stuff I post here will probably be something that you don't like. But if you don't like it, don't bother to tell me you didn't like it. I respect constructive criticism that will make my writing better, not someone bluntly telling me "You suck." Don't hate, appreciate. Name: Darling Age: 17 Gender: Female. Likes: Anime Manga Kingdom Hearts Final Fantasy Harry Potter Sailor Moon Labyrinth Sweets Yer mom Dislikes: Trolls Overly obsessed fangirls Mary Sue/Gary Stu Yer mom Favorite Pairings Off the Top of My Head (More to be added) Akuroku AkuRiku AkuShion RiShion Soku Zemyx Digbar Zexbar Marlumine Laremine Laraxel Larshion Terqua Vanion Cleon Claireth Zaireth Luxord can go with just about anyone. The list goes on Kingdom Hearts/FF Wise. xD I ship just about anything and won't knock it till I try it, so give me a hardball. This will be all for now. I'll think of more later. |
Cy Fur (63) | FicletMistress (20) | ThinkingCAPSLOCK (56) |