Author has written 1 story for Doctor Who. Hey, there! MG Atwood here - I'm usually called just Atwood, but I'll answer to MG, Mig and LD, too, if you're so inclined to call me that. While I'm mostly a mere reader of fanfiction, I do sometimes get the urge to write a bit of my own, so there will probably be a few stories popping up here eventually if I ever get around to finishing them. XD My main fandom is Doctor Who, and that's the only one I'm currently writing in, though I'm also a big fan of Life on Mars and Torchwood. For Doctor Who, my favourite character by far is the Master, particularly as portrayed by John Simm (gleeful chaotic evil FTW!), so expect him to be in just about everything I do. All of my DW fanfics will probably be rated in the K to T range - I don't do graphic anything, and language-wise I won't be using anything stronger than what the characters actually use on the show. Also, while I'm not averse to slash at all, I am unlikely to be writing any (beyond what's already in the show, anyway); however, if you want to read any of my fics as implied slash, that's fine by me. :3 Currently Working On: All Silver and Gold - Because of the way I'm writing this one (a collection of shorter stories all grouped in one longer story arc), updates are fairly slow since I don't write the chapters in the order that I want them posted in, but rest assured that it is still active. :3 Favourite Fandoms (TV and Book): Doctor Who; Sanctuary; Life on Mars; the Discworld novels; Torchwood Favourite Characters: DW: The Master (especially Simm!Master), The Doctor (mostly 5, 10 and 11), Donna Noble, Jack Harkness, Rory Williams/Pond, Amy Pond Sanctuary: Nikola Tesla, Helen Magnus, Henry Foss Life on Mars: Sam Tyler, Annie Cartwright, Gene Hunt, Phyllis Torchwood: Captain Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones, Captain John Hart Discworld: Sam Vimes, Lord Havelock Vetinari, Rufus Drumknott, Otto Chriek Favourite Pairings: Amy/Rory (So. Incredibly. Adorable.) Sam T./Annie (See above to the power of 10) Sam T./Gene (:D Sam never actually contests it when people say he's gay...) Nikola/Helen (Do I need to explain why these two are awesome together?) The Master/Lucy Saxon (First Couple of Evil) The Master/Tenth Doctor (so much canonical innuendo between these two) The Master/Fifth Doctor (see above) Other Stuff: I also do a tad of DW fanart now and again: 10 and the Master: http:///gallery/#/d2ifv8y Amy and the Master: http:///gallery/#/d2yresy Amy, Rory and the Master: http:///gallery/#/d2zn3r2 The Master/Saxon: http:///#/d30g7i2 The Master/Yana: http:///art/My-Kind-of-World-301584112 |