Author has written 13 stories for Saw, National Treasure, Harry Potter, and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. My name is Dal. I'm twenty-two years old and female. I get enjoyment out of things I probably shouldn't, and my sense of humor is usually described as 'deadpan snark' when it's not offending people, and 'really uncalled for' when it is. I try not to take life too seriously; no one gets out alive anyway. I enjoy writing about the darker side of life and I love reading fluff. If anyone can figure that one out, please tell me. And it's not because I'm looking for relief for my soul or something overly poetic of that nature; I've already considered that and found psychology and philosophy to be ridiculous in terms of practical uses. That being said, I'm a disorganized schizophrenic - formally diagnosed at age 10, so no, I'm not one of those kids on the internet that thinks 'being crazy is cool' and so I'm going to try to think of the most extreme thing out there. If that were the case, disorganized schizophrenia is a fairly lame-sounding disorder; I'd probably label myself as paranoid schizophrenic if I knew what that was, and confuse schizophrenia with Dissociative Identity Disorder if I didn't. (DID is multiple personalities, by the way. Schizophrenia is not. The more you know, I guess, but there's seriously no way to make me angry faster than assuming schizophrenics have multiple personalities.) I write a lot of Ace Attorney fics. Primarily the Gavins. I haven't written for anything else in...well, the timestamps are on them. If you're waiting for some sort of continuation on 'Can't Get Back From Here', I'm truly sorry about the wait. I've been having issues with that fic since it was conceived, though, so expect an overhaul. Or not, because it's probably one of those things that I talk about repeatedly and probably will never do. That's about all for now. |