![]() Author has written 3 stories for Ratchet and Clank, and Invader Zim. Hey everyone I'm RoboticMasterMind from DeviantART I am mainly a digital, and comic artist. However I also write fanfiction. I sadly had writers block for almost 2 years, but now I'm back to writing! Few things to know about me is that I draw and make all my cover art for my fics and avatars. If you want me to design your cover see me on http:/// I'm willing to beta test on fics that involve grammar mistakes worst than mine. I do not make art free for it takes hours to draw and tons of work on each picture. You must pay either in DA points or . I will take any other offer or alternative if you can think of one. So don't be afraid to pm me. Also as a warning, I am horrible when it comes to typo and grammar mistakes. Usually it takes me a second reread or after I stupidly post to notice how many mistakes I had made (this also happens with my drawings after I submit those as well). I usually will re-edit those mistakes so that the story is much more easy to read. Also please everyone, give me some constructive criticism. I like when people critique my art work, however I also would like if people can critique my stories. A FC (fan character) is a made up character created in or for a fandom. A OC (original character) is a charater created by the person, a character based off your imagination for your own created world. Since this is Fanfiction.net, none of the characters made up on here are original characters (unless you throw your made up species into the fic.) Otherwise all characters based on the fic you are writing or drawing for are Fancharacters. I write mostly FC based stories, but write some canon. Though canon based would probably be made into comic shorts most likely instead of literature. My main FC used to be a Irken smeet named Nix. I scrapped Nix, but brought him back, now named Nyx or Nyxious. You can still read about the old him in my ancient and n00bish fanfic "The Deep End". My current FCs are 2 mutant Irkens, a Irken and a Vortian. Cromesethos Nickname: Crome, Seth, 457 Appearance: http:///d6bp9cv and http:///d6a2psk Crome was part of a breached sector in the smeetary, where a screwheaded alien sabotaged the machinery due to the now larger resisty mass attacking and creating a clever plan. Most of the attack was suicidal but all it took was one security breach to kill and cause production of mass defectives, and deformities to each smeet in that sector. During that time the smeets were first killed off and quarantined until the tallest decided to use them for a type of experiment to create better, aggressive, highly intelligent and much more obedient soldiers. Due to him thinking the soldiers weren't listening to him because of his color blindness, and his bad memory of names. Crome the 457th, and the second being Xon the 782nd out of the defects. Crome was thought to die quickly like all the others since most badly mutated or deformed smeets only survived for a short time. They were proved wrong. Crome's PAK was a success in intelligent and high in aggression, but was not enhanced for the good and was very disobedient. However if he was a success his present body would have been killed on the spot. The PAK mass duplicated and placed onto healthy, normal and much more fit soldiers. He was eventually supposed to be deactivated, but he escaped. He is currently a psychopath mad scientist. Info to how he became one will not be spoiled unless you're sneaky and glimpse my DA page. Xon Nickname: Orange Daredevil, 782 Appearance: /d4luxna Xon was the 2nd test subject to survive. Unlike Crome, he was the complete opposite. Coming out dumb, stupid, and extremely annoying. After Xon the tallest placed a stop on experimentation to prevent nightmares such as Crome, and Xon from being created again. The whole entire Sector finally quarantined. Xon annoyed people so much that people had actually committed suicide. There had been several attempts to kill Xon, with the tallest even giving Xon glowing armor to make him a easier target to shoot from any enemy of the empire. Rayne: Nickname: None Appearance: /d4dntcw Rayne was born in a group of exile Vortians. The vortians had lived far away and peacefully for many years. When Rayne was born, her mother had died, and she was left to be cared for by her father. She was mute, so she could only communicate with a touch pad that she used to write on since she also couldn't seem to learn sign language or even want to learn. When she was 3 they were all found out about by the Irken empire and was invaded. Her father sent her off on a escape shuttle but stayed behind to defend their home. She never saw her dad again, and as she grew older she began searching for her long lost dad and hating the Irkens. Nyxious: Nickname: Nyx Appearance: http:///d6krppk Other fics I will be writing about may possibly be of Ratchet and Clank. Things I will try to avoid if it's not purposely a parody. 1. OOCness (one thing i really despise, especially when the characters are so OOC that there isn't a hint of ICness. Their personalities is what i find likeable, and even keeping a little ICness would be great. Otherwise if they are so OOC, then they might as well be a FC instead of a canon character.) 2. Mary and Gary (I don't have to really explain why I don't like these unrealistic, cliche characters known as mary-sues, it should be obvious why anyone wouldn't like these characters besides the owner.) 3. Bad grammar and writing to the point I cannot understand a single word, or if the plot is twisted up to the point of not making any sense. 4. Chapter based stories where each chapter is 300 words or less long (previews don't count.) |