Ok I am insanely happy to have come up with this dreadful story, so I would like to let all the lovely viewers that this contains tons of violence and oh how I love the violence!

You should all know what the obvious things are, so I am not going to describe them other than the none obvious things or I just might describe obvious things so that it makes sense.

I would also say this is not for the squeamish and has lots of dark and twisted events, vengeance and of course torture (laughs evilly, I'll try to keep it rated T).

(Warning)This story is an alternative universe to the actual IVZ one; I do not own Invader Zim it is made simply by the ingenious Jhonen Vasquez and I shall destroy those that have shunned his genius creations, like Nickelodeon (growls).

OH I would also like to thank my Beta reader Darth Jedi for helping to edit my story with the constant run on sentences and stuffs.

RoboticMasterMind presents The Deep End

On board the Massive…

The Communications and Technician Officers managed the Massive's entire operation of functioning.

The power core deep within the Massive sent waves of electrical energy through the circuitry and the tangle of wires spread all throughout the ship. It entered the main processor to first power the snack machines that never worked. Then, it shot through the main quarters, inhabited by the Almighty Tallest Red and Purple, to the control brains aboard. The rest of the current flowed through the sensors under the control panels the Technicians worked.

The Tallest Purple and Red stood (or floated) in the main control room with bored expressions attached to their faces, while watching a badly performing Irken invader (that was short) entertain them. Purple was constantly shoving donuts in his mouth and his antennae twitched whenever a wave of badly sung notes of the Irken anthem escaped the poor, unfortunate invader's mouth.

Red had been sipping a soda from a straw, and soon began to frown, not noticing that he was now chewing the straw, and that the carbonated liquid of the soft drink was forming a puddle on the hard metallic floor.

When he ran out of donuts after a minute, Purple exchanged glances with Red and realized how horribly the invader sang.

They both nodded in agreement; they had enough of the invader's poor singing skills.

"Guards, throw him out the airlock," Red said blandly.

Purple pulled out some nachos and munched on them while watching. Purple had seen so many people get thrown through the airlock so many times it was boring. At first, he and his co-tallest found it funny and entertaining, but now it rubbed off on them.

The invader started screaming, as he was suddenly tackled by two members of the Irken elite and restrained. They were about to drag the screaming, helpless invader to the airlock when Purple suddenly screamed, "Wait!"

The invader looked relieved, but a new look of terror crossed his face and flashed over his crimson eyes when he realized it was Purple.

"I have an idea!" Purple beamed, getting excited from his rare and new train of thought.

"What is it, Pur? Does it have something to do with donuts?" Red groaned.

Purple glared at him, "No, it has nothing to do with that! He could entertain us in the compression chamber thing. That is near the brig area."

The invader's eyes widened in shock; an Irken never showed fear or any other weak emotions. An Irken who expressed any of these feelings were considered defective and was to be immediately deactivated by the control brains.

Red blinked his maroon eyes, and smiled his cruel smile, "You know Pur, who would have known you would come up with such a good idea, for once?"

Red smacked Purple in the PAK playfully. This caused Purple to drop his nachos from the impact.

"Hey! I was eating that," Purple complained.

Red sighed, and ordered the table headed service drone to clean up the mess.

Bob started to protest that he had a table attached to his head and knees, and wasn't able to clean the mess up, but shut up in time. Because he knew he'd be thrown out the airlock, or down the garbage chute, that lead to the incinerator if he disobeyed the Tallest. Bob shuddered at the thought and tried to clean up the best he could.

Red turned to the two Irkens restraining the Irken invader, "Alright! What are you waiting for, take him to the compression chamber!"

One of the Technicians turned around, "Sir, are you sure that you should use the compression chamber? It's used to compress fuel through the thrusters, and his PAK might get caught in the exhaust pipes."

Red growled, his eyes flashing a deep crimson. Red then calmed down suddenly and smiled. "Skree, I think I dropped something important in that little door over there."

"Um, my name is not Skree and that looks like a garbage chute," the Technician said sweating and slightly shaking.

Red narrowed his eyes, casting a venomous look at the Technician.

The Technician shuddered, and hand saluted, "Yes sir! My tallest Red."

Purple leaned over and whispered, "Red, did you really drop something down there?

"No," Red said smoothly.

Purple smirked, and he yelled in his mind, "You're gonna get incinerated, you're gonna get incinerated and I'm not!

The Technician walked over and looked down the door, "Sir, I don't see anything."

"Oh, it's in there just look harder," Red said smiling.

The technician leaned over to look again and Red shoved him quickly down the garbage shoot. Screaming could be heard.

"Does anybody else have something to say?" Red asked, in a cool but dangerous tone.

Everyone shook their heads almost immediately.

Red nodded his head in triumph, "Alright, where was I. Oh, right! Take him to the compression chamber."

"Yes, my Tallest," the two Irken elite said in unison, slightly unnerved. They dragged the now kicking and screaming invader away.

"I don't know about you Red, but I'm going to watch," Purple grinned and hovered off into the direction the invader was dragged off.

"I'm not going to miss out on the fun!" Red hovered after him.

Later on another part of the Massive…

Purple and Red were standing outside the chamber, looking through a green reinforced tinted glass window. The invader was thrown into the dark reddish-pink room, which was filled with tubes and wires zigzagging in different directions. This part of the Massive connected to the engine room and smelled of nothing but fuel and soot.

Purple looked at Red, "Um, Red, I was wondering, what did this guy do again?"

"He's a defect and he sings terribly," Red answered, not taking his eyes off the invader, "I think his name is Invader Blor."

"Um sir, that's Invader Norm," the technician working the controls to activate the compressing chamber replied.

Red gave the technician an annoyed look, "Yes, Invader Norm, just activate the torture already."

The Technician typed in a few things and soon they could hear a hissing sound coming from the enclosed space which made up the chamber.

Purple pulled a pack of extra nachos from him PAK and begun stuffing his face while watching the grotesque sight unfold.

At first Norm didn't feel anything, but soon he became drowsy and the tubes on the ceiling opened up, letting out a hissing noise and an unpleasant smell.

After a while Invader Norm soon felt like something was being pressed hard against his whole body and tears began to form around his eyes. He then felt several of his bones crack and soon collapsed on the floor as his legs gave out; then, he let out a bloodcurdling scream, as his body began to cave in on itself and he grabbed hold of his head to try to ease the pain.

Purple and Red stared, as the invader's greenish blood started to boil over Norm's body, and just as soon as it started, it stopped with the invader exploding like someone popped a pimple. His PAK fell to the floor with a "clank." Purple lost his appetite and threw up almost immediately, and Red just stared.

The scene was horrible; Norm's blood trailed from the floor to the side of the chamber like someone threw paint at the walls. There were things that Red couldn't identify that littered the chamber's floor and he didn't even want to know what they were. Norm's blood splattered PAK was the only thing recognizable.

After Purple was done hurling both of them looked at each other and grinned weakly, but they soon began to cheer after a few minutes.

The two Tallest entered the control room grinning and talking about the incident, when one of the Technicians turned and addressed them.

"My Tallest, sorry to intrude but we have an incoming distress call from an Irken cargo ship located near sector 3 Delta," the technician said shakily, like he was about to get smacked from interrupting the Tallest.

Red sighed, "What is it now?"

A female Irken popped up on the monitor and saluted, "My Tallest we have a situation! Our ship is being attacked!" We request assistance."

"Who would dare attack the almighty Irken Empire?" Purple asked, his violet eyes flashing with worry.

Red shrugged his shoulders, "How many of our ships are there?"

"Just us, my Tallest, the rest have been destroyed or breached. The enemy's ships are much faster than ours, and they look Vortian in design," she said. There was an explosion sounding in the background that made her antennae twitch with nervousness.

"What! After we did so much for them, after we enslaved them? This can't go unnoticed, but we also can't risk any soldiers right now, so you will have to deal with it yourself," Red replied.

She had a look of shock on her face and fell down as the ship shook violently, "But, my Tallest! We can't possibly out run them, without disposing most of our cargo." She picked herself up and held on to something to keep her balance.

"Wait," Purple said, "what kind of cargo are you holding, soldier?"

"We are supplied with the latest snack from Foodcourtia, the twinkie," she said, with one antennae perked up nervously.

Purple froze in horror and his violet eyes twitched uncontrollably when she mentioned the most tastiest snack in the universe, "No! You can't depose of that. We must have them!" Purple began freaking out and was screaming, "The twinkies are under attack, we must save them!"

Red remained calm, "Is that all you're holding?"

The female Irken began fidgeting uncomfortably, "Um, we do have a few hundred smeets in birthing pods being transported to birthing tubes on the facilities on Irk."

Purple stopped, "Then dispose all of the smeets to get away, and save the snacks!" He had heard rumors of this amazing snack and had wanted to try the sugary food item for the last four days. Purple didn't care an antennae for smeets.

She stared at them in disbelief, but she succumbed to defeat, not wanting to be executed. "Yes, my Tallest."

"Oh, make sure you drop the smeets into the nearest star. We don't want any falling in the hands of the enemy," Red smiled thoughtfully; he also wanted to try the twinkie.

She hand saluted and ended the transmission, and both Purple and Red looked at each other in satisfaction.

Meanwhile in Sector 3 Delta…

The Irken cargo ship sped forward as fast as it could, dodging and zigzagging away from incoming fire. It was a hopeless attempt to save the cargo, but at the end the cargo was released. Some of the cargo hit several pursuing enemy ships. The birthing pods that contained the smeets were covered in a thick shell of metal which was enough to cause several ships to expode on impact, killing both the pilot and smeet.

The enemy veered away from the Irken cargo ship, thinking that the pods they where releasing were bombs. The Irken cargo ship released every smeet it had stored onboard, emptying them into the nearest star, the Sun. The cargo ship soon had enough distance from the enemy to warp through a wormhole back to the Massive, out of the unknown quadrant it had entered.

All of the smeets in the birthing pods met their demise except one. It hurdled out of control away from its main target to a new one: Earth.

This story is based on the song The Deep End by Crossfade. I will send an army of evil piggies to devour your spleen, from my ship of killer psychotic robots if you flame, but I beg you to review! Muahahahahahaha

Also I made up those birthing pod thingies, they are like a quick way of birthing smeets if something went wrong, that contains the smeets PAK and all. It's like some sort of shipping container thingy. Like for instance the irkens had to make and train the smeets on another planet if the smeetary was destroyed or something.

I also will be drawing the Irken soon on Deviant Art, so if you're interested check it out! I will write and notify anyone down at the bottom of the chapter when it's done.