Author has written 15 stories for Primeval. I'm BACK! Life got crazy there for a while but I AM BACK! Whoot whoot! Lemme catch you up on life and everything about it... Been crazy. Yup. Computer crashed, lost everything, see depressing note below. It was horrible. I went into mourning. I moved on to other stories and now... I think I can finish Good Deeds and Foundling. It sucks starting over, but at this point... I can do it. Reviews help. Knowing that just because I know how it ends and it's all fine plotted out in my head doesn't really help you now, does it? Reviews remind me that you, (yes, you) want to know what happens next. The curious reader and generous reviewer is an important part of the whole creative process. I've posted a few things I wrote here and there inbetween the busytimes and I hope that's enough to tide you over until I finish Good Deeds and Foundling. If anyone out there has ever adopted a baby in England or is familiar with the processes, I would very much like to pick your brain. There is a limit to what I can discover using wiki. I love you all, Ponytales UPDATE: My computer totally crashed and I'm waiting on a boot disk miracle. If the miracle doesn't happen then I'll have lost everything. Yeah, I don't exactly take the time to back things up on disk and believe me I'm kicking myself for it. The last chapter of Good Deeds was getting the once over, the next chapter of Foundling was half done and sequel to Stepping Stones was nearly finished. I can redo it, but first I have to suffer through the depression of going it over. Hi. I've been writing fanfic for a long long time but I haven't really bothered to actually post any of it. Some of that was because I lived in a land far far away from regular internet and some of it it is just because I tend to write really long 50,000 word long stories and then they get completely out of hand and I never finish them. I made a new year's resolution not to post any multi-chapter stories unless I had it fleshed out enough I was confident I'd finish it. I just moved and am currently living in the lap of luxury. I have internet *and* cable at the house. Seriously, it doesn't take much to make me happy! 'Good Deeds' is going to be the first really long story I've actually published. I'm still tweaking the ending but it's more or less finished. More or less. I'm still tweaking. I swear that it will be finished! Mostly because the final battle between good and evil was actually the first bit I wrote and I didn't come 50K words to get us to that point and not post the ending. It has just been pointed out to me that Lester is *supposed* to have a family in the show. What family? We've never seen his family! For any of my stories he's single unless otherwise noted. UPDATE: I acknowledged his family in 'Foundling'. Only because it was handy to me. In case I forget, here's a blanket disclaimer: I don't own or have anything to do with any tv show, book or movie. I'm not making any money off this. Please don't sue me. Lester is my favorite charater on Primeval and I think it's because he reminds me of my cat. He looks snarly...and he is snarly...and going near him when he's in a mood might cost you a limb...but sometimes, he just wants a hug. Or maybe he just wants to be up by your throat so he can rip it out. Like I said, he reminds me of my cat. STORIES Good Deeds: Stand alone. The tragic part is I've already got thirty pages of the sequel, Good Times, and the finale/epilogue 'Good Results' written and I'm just tweaking it. Seriously, I'm two chapters away from finishing Good Deeds. Foundling: Stand alone. I see it being six or seven chapters and I've already finished through five except for tweaking. I know where I'm going with it. Much Ado About Something: Ahhh...I got into Good Deeds and I couldn't leave this pairing alone. And I love Much Ado About Nothing and Dr. Who. What does that have to do with anything? I'm glad you asked. David Tennant and Catherine Tate--A.K.A. THE DOCTOR AND DONNA!!!!!!! are starring in it right now in London. I looked it up, tickets are only about forty bucks but unfortunately round trip air fare is around two grand. Maybe I'll be really lucky and they'll release it on DVD. I can always hope. Ahem. Focusing now. That story is followed by: Annoyance Squared: In which the Diictodons do something incredibly natural and circle of lifeish. In Lester's second bedroom. He is not amused. Stepping Stones: Is the third one in that series. It was pointed out to me that I can buy series five over the internet so now I'm roaring ahead with plans to rewrite the entire fourth and fifth series to suit my own devious purposes. Really, it's how fans show love. There's also two pre-Primeval stories in that series planned tentively titled 'What happens in Bangkok' and 'One night in Cairo'. Really. James and Christine had to build up that lovely hostility somehow. |
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