Author has written 8 stories for Kim Possible, Star Ocean, Slayers, Final Fantasy X, Yami no Matsuei, and Static Shock. FANG: Ok then! My name is Fang and my friend... WAY OVER THERE IN THE CORNER!!!! Is Fire! We have a joint account and it's really really fun! I'm just gonna tell you stuff about me and Fire! *Sigh* I see the griping... jk! And no I did not delete your poems! Would I be that mean? (Muahahahaha) But really no I didn't! AND I will sign the name just for you! Fang's Fave Animes: Berserk (hate to admit it tho) Friuts Basket, 3X3 eyes, Slayers, Star Ocean Ex,Trigun and Escaflowne! Oh ho ho ho ho! I will be better then Fire's Bio! Really! Watch! () Ain't it cute!? Actually... It isn't really... But I WANT MY CUTIE!!!! COME BACK CUTIE!!! COME BACK!!! Piro Piro Lina-Chan! It comes with it's own sounds effects in its feet! And Fire... Must you really comment about my commas? *sniff* you know I'm no good at that stuff? (Remember? My last story had BLUE INK all over it! ) Fang's Fave Video games: Star Ocean the second story, The Legend of Goemon (That's fun to play with my sis!) and I can't really think of anything at the moment... it's to late! Oh ya! ANY ZELDA AND FINAL FANTASY!!! And don't worry... I will not mess with your little corner! (Must resist... urge... to... change... into... little... cuties... AHHHH) FIRE: Okay, Fang, My turn!! I'm Fire. 1/2 of Fang&Fire Inc. (A made-up-on-the-spot ...Incorparation) I've been reading fanfiction for... God knows how long, but just started to write them a few months ago. Unhindered Imagination being my first. I have been watching anime... Since I was nine or so, and have been playing video games since I was three... At least (I can't say I was very GOOD at it, but ah well...) Well, I'm not going to lable all the anime's I've seen or games I've played, but I WILL write down my very favorites! _ Anime- Berserk (ALL THE WAY!!), Neon Genesis Evangelion, Inuyasha, Slayers, Yami no Matsuei (I don't eve know why... The more I thought about it, The more I liked it) Rurouni Keshin, Trigun, Ayashi no Ceres, 3X3 eyes and Cowboy Bebop. Viseo Games- Chrono Trigger, All of the Final Fantasys (Except ten), and the Dragon Warrior series. Ahhhh, It feels good to be a fanfic author after years of reading marvolous fanfics!! Anyway, I'm only the author of Unhindered Imagination (A Slayers fic (supporting Amelia and Zelgadis)), Bound and blind (A Yami no Matsuei fic (Supporting His/Tsu, Shonen-Ai, and Semi-inserted characters)) and a few poems which can be acessed at Anyway, I think I'm about done griping sooooo... Laters then. |
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