Author has written 4 stories for Bionicle, Pokémon, Portal, Power Rangers, and Team Fortress 2. Holy crap, I'm alive! I haven't been on in...years, I think, and it's probably because I lost all my stories in a computer virus attack that required us to wipe most of our hard drive. But hey, now I have a different computer and more story ideas! Which I will probably post very, very infrequently. Okay, all my Bionicle and Pokemon fics that I've posted before? (pretty much) dead now. I may end up going back to them, it's just that I haven't in years because I lost about 2 chapters for each story and never felt like rewriting them. Also, with the Pokemon one, I've been considering doing a new story that would actually make a lot more sense when compared to my original idea, and without any fakemons. Fakemons can be a bad idea in fanfiction... But! I have new fics that I'm going to post! Like Portal and Team Fortress 2 and Power Rangers and stuff. I have ideas, just no real drive to finish projects. But I'm going to finish these ones! Eventually. After a long time. (it happens.) Anyway, you've discovered my page! Hello! Welcome! Read my stuff! Enjoy! Or don't! Whatever! As always, comments and criticism is appreciated. |