Author has written 23 stories for Final Fantasy VIII, Stargate: Atlantis, Lord of the Rings, and Haven. I took several years off of writing fanfiction to work on some original works and do some blogging. But recently some new shows like Haven have gotten my creative juices flowing again, so maybe I'll get back to working on some old work in progresses that have been sitting on my hard drive for the last 3 years or work on new fanfiction ideas. I like to read, write, do crossword puzzles, workout, and watch TV. I've also started writing reviews for a Makeup Blog called Loose Powder: Random Acts of Cosmetology. If you're looking for some reviews on various makeup products, come by and read some posts. Final Fantasy 8 was my first fandom so Seifer/Quistis (Seiftis) Pairing will always have a special place in my heart. But Sheppard/Weir from Stargate: Atlantis occupies another part of my heart. I ship a lot of pairings for a lot of shows, but I write only for a choice few. I also cross post my fics on my LiveJournal, if some prefer reading fanfiction there. I now also have a blog where I mostly write reviews for movies, video games, books, and other random geek and writing things in general. Misadventures of a Geeky Spinster - http:/// Links Joe Flanigan LJ Community - http:///community/joeflaniganinfo/ "Freelancer's Den" - Freelancing LJ Community - http:///community/freelance_write/ Loose Powder: Random Acts of Cosmetology - http:///loosepowder/ For fans of the Very Secret Atlantis Journals, I have opened a Livejournal community specifically for the journals to be all in one place. (Also Livejournal lets me present the "journals" the way they I intended them to be presented.) Note: I feel really bad saying this, but I don't think I will finish Season 2 especially after so much time had passed. |