Author has written 20 stories for Digimon, and Lord of the Rings. Hullo!! I'm an Italian girl who loves anime, manga and videogames, and you can call me Nemesi. ^_^ My passion at the moment is Digimon, and I'm insanely in love with The Lord of the Rings!! ^^V I like the canon universes both (bookverse and moovieverse) as well as the slash fandoms. I worship Tolkien and PJ and bow to the slash writers. There are so many pairings I like, right now! This is bordering obsession, I fear... -_-;;I'm a slash writer, and the pairings I favour are Daiken, Hiyako, Aragorn/Legolas and Eowyn/Arwen. even though, I must admit I'm planning an het fic based on Star Ocean the 2nd story. ^_^ I'd like to thank Kendra TDE, because I would not have a site right now, if it wasn't for her! I won't ever thank her enough... now I have a site hoisting my work! Please check it out - and check Kendra's stories, too. She's a most talented writer, one of the best! =) |