Daisuke tapped his pencil
on his desk, staring out the window. The dark clouds that had gathered above the
school in the morning were quickly drifting away in the wind, letting the sun
shine down with the mute promise of a bright sunny day. The cinnamon haired boy
sighed softly. He was bored. It was math class, and today the teacher was
rambling about the Pythagorean theorem, and Daisuke just couldn't concentrate.
His eyes had wandered around restlessly for the whole morning, but he had
scarcely paid attention to what happened around him, for his mind was filled
with too much worries for him to care.
He didn't understand why
Fate had decided to have him as its personal toy to abuse and torture to its own
pleasure, but Daisuke couldn't do anything to change his situation. Not matter
how hard he tried, he still felt guilty about hurting his Take-chan. And
strangely enough, he couldn't get rid of the strange excitation that had set
his heart on fire since he had discovered the feelings Ken held for him.
cinnamon haired boy sighed again, and his wandering eyes fell on his notepad. He
scarcely subdued a surprised gasp and his face flushed with a delicious heat.
The once white page in front of his eyes, the same page that was supposed to be
filled with notes of what his teacher was saying, had sketches and drawings all
over. Art was one of Daisuke's strong point, but he had never thought he could
be *so* talented when it came to sketch deep, cat-like, violet eyes…
other hand tapping on his desk, Daisuke played with his pencil for a bit, before
starting to add some more lines to one of the best sketches. He had never used
any models when he drew. Too ashamed to show his talent, he had soon gotten used
to the idea of drawing from memory. After few glances, whatever he was planning
to draw was impressed in his memory, kept secure in that secret place in the
back of his mind from where he could summon it whenever he felt like drawing it
those violet eyes he was sketching in that moment, felt different. That wasn't
the first time he sketched Ken's eyes. Being him so graceful and his features
so painfully attractive, he was the perfect subject, and half of his sketches
were of him, but…always before, when he had drawn him he had thought about him
as his best friend, as someone he loved and needed only in a friendly fashion,
weren't *just* friends. Their relationship couldn't be trapped in the canon
definition of friendship. They had held each other, kissed and been a step far
from having sex. And more than all, Ken loved him. He loved *him*. His best
*knew* he should feel guilty about what had been about to happen between the two
of them. Or that, at least, he should be upset that his best friend had always
lied to him, hiding his true feelings but…he wasn't. He was confused, sure.
Scared, maybe. But more than everything he was happy. Content to bask in such a
wonderful person's love.
he kept tracing swift lines on the notepad, and the gorgeous eyes were soon
framed by flat dark hair. His high forehead was soon defined by loose dark locks
framing it. A nose a bit too small soon joined the picture, quickly followed by
soft, slight parted lips and by the curve of high cheekbones.
beautiful…// he
thought, and he surely was *not* thinking about his artwork.
He had
just finished his sketch, that the bell rang. He quickly closed his notebook,
pushing aside every possible comment, and gathered his things. He walked
straight out of the classroom, just brushing by the brunette who was waiting
form in on the doorframe, not caring to walk with her like they usually did. Her
petite rosy lips creased into a little frown and she puffed out her cheeks,
following him noiselessly. From behind a corner, a pair of icy blue eyes stared
after the couple as it walked quickly down the hall. As the two reached
Daisuke's locker, the cold eyes lit up for an almost maniacal grin, and their
owner disappeared in a classroom, casting a last, quick glance at the two.
opened his locker and shoved his bag inside, silently thanking whoever was up
there that the torture called school was over. He closed his locker carelessly,
still lost in his private world of angels, devils and violet eyes when he felt a
hand on his shoulder. Snapped out his daydream, he swirled around, squeaking,
and expecting to be nose to nose with Takeru once again.
But when
he turned, his chocolate brown eyes meet a pair of hazel brown eyes, which went
wide and blinked quickly at his scared expression. Soon enough they narrowed,
however, and Daisuke had to suppress a relieved sigh.
he sighed as he turned back to his locker and turned the lock. "You scared
that much is obvious." She replied with a pout. "The question his *why*?"
Daisuke turned back around, blinking owlishly, and looking so cute Hikari had to
suppress the sudden need to hug him.
shifted uncomfortably, trying to hide the way her cheeks were quickly gaining
colour, and looked down. "Uhm…Dai-chan…" she opened her mouth and tried
to force out a sound, but failed miserably. The cinnamon-haired boy, realizing
that she was trying to say something, leaned further down towards her with his
ear close to her mouth.
he asked, cocking his head to a side and causing Kari's face to feel tingly
all over. She took in a deep breath, shacking her head in a futile attempt to
get rid of the blush tinting her cheeks.
"I was
wondering… …what's bothering you, Dai-chan? There's something wrong?
You're so…strange…so jumpy…I'm worried, and you seem so distant, like
something's concerning you and…" she choked out at last. Then her lips
sealed in a thin line, when she realized that –much to her own
embarrassment– she had been babbling.
young boy moved away from her mouth and peered down at her for a moment of pure
he shrugged. "Nothing's wrong."
frowned, disappointment clear on her cute features. "Why won't you tell
shrugged again, lost in thought. "'Cause there's nothing to say."
you say so…" she sighed, flicking a lock of her brown hair from her
forehead. "Will you walk me home, today?" she asked, hopefully.
can't." he shook his head, letting out a soft sigh. "Sorry. I've soccer
practice today." Then he frowned slightly. "Why does everyone keep
forgetting this, anyway?"
Hikari mumbled, shifting her weight from one foot to another. "Can I come?"
Why not?" He encircled his arm around her shoulder in a friendly gesture,
missing the way this simple action caused the child of light to blush.
a…date, then?"
he grinned.
* * * * *
hopped down the school bus and eyed the soccer field with critic eyes. The twin
polls of liquid purple narrowed visibly when, scanning the whole field and
bleachers, he couldn't find Daisuke. He was a bit relieved by his absence,
'cause it would save him further explanations and embarrassment, but he
couldn't help but be worried too. Whoever had hurt Daisuke could be trying to
do it again in that same very moment.
his worries however, melted away as snow under the morning sunlight as hands
approached him from behind and covered his eyes. "Guess who?" he heard
someone whisper in his ear and he hadn't a single doubt on who he was.
Dai-chan." Ken replied
warmly, turning to give his best friend a brief hug.
doing here, Ken?" Daisuke asked, seeming genuinely puzzled, as he gently
disentangled himself from Ken's hug.
It was Ken's turn to blink, now. " 'OdaibaVSTamachi soccer game' rings
any bell?"
jaw literally hit the ground at that and his eyes reached an unbelievable big
Ken nodded. "Really?" Ken nodded again. "Whoooops…it kinda slid out my
mind…" he said, scratching the back of his head, and flashing him his best
trademarked Motomiya grin. Ken laughed softly, shacking his head with calculate
try to built up excuses, Motomiya. You know very well I can kick your ass
Daisuke squeaked, punching lightly Ken's arm. The dark-haired boy laughed,
stepping back to escape his friend's assault. "That's a lie!!"
no! That's the pure, untarnished, burning truth Motomiya! You'll never be at
my level!!!"
in a corner, Hikari watched the whole scene intently, her brown eyes reaching a
darker shade than they ever had. They were narrowed, two thin slits that held
just the same coldness that a pair of water-blue ones held in that same moment.
The coldness in her eyes melted away very soon, though, to make room to a warm
delight that left her eyes sparkling. The ice in that other pair of eyes was way
stronger however, and when their owner hid between the threes, his gaze was
still nothing but pure ice, rage and hate.
* * * *
popped down on the floor, cursing himself under his breath for his slowness. All
his teammates had already left the locker-room and were probably already doing
their warming-up exercises. And maybe with his Ken.
Stupid shoelace!!
Pale hands
carefully pushed the locker room's rusty door open. Icy sky blue eyes darted
around, surveying the environment. And when they laid on tan skinned boy kneeled
down in a corner, they brightened in delight and sudden pleasure. A rosy tongue
escaped little and velvety lips to lick them like a pleased cat would do. And
taking slow, calibrate steps toward his still unaware victim, the cat was soon
nearly on top of him.
His eyes
narrowed, the two usually bright and warm pools of blue changing into sharp
he purred in the other's ear, slowly sliding his rather cold hands around his
chest from behind. Daisuke tensed up as soon as he felt the soft fingertips
trace icy lines across his sides and through his chest. Very accustomed to and
deeply in love with it, Daisuke actually relaxed when he felt his Take-chan's
intoxicating smell trickle his nostrils. But then he tensed up again, painfully
aware of Takeru's closeness.
he whispered, not trusting his voice. The blonde angel smirked in the hollow of
Daisuke's neck, his tongue-tip escaping his mouth to tease the soft and warm
he repeated, his mind racing to find something to say.
again, the blonde boy's lips curved in a cruel, malicious smirk that really
gave him the look of an inhuman creature.
beautiful in all his cruelty and fierceness, the blonde angel
forward, with the same amazingly speed of a hawk, and lowered his mouth on
Daisuke's neck, his teeth teasing the soft flesh in a not-so-gentle way.
shuddered, utterly shocked, his mouth moving but no sound escaping it. The
strangled sounds dieing in his throat pleasured Takeru so much, that he just
*had* to ear more.
felt his heart thump wildly in his chest upon feeling of Takeru's teeth
marking the soft flesh of his neck. He struggled, fighting in vain the arms
restraining him in an iron grip. He tried to scream, but surprisingly strong
fingers dug on his chest, leaving him breathless. He kept struggling, punching
whatever part of the Takeru's body he could reach, ragged breaths escaping his
fighting me…" Came the muffled order from his neck and the tan skinned boy
immediately hold still. Literally paralysed.
One of the arms encircling his chest slid down to tug at his shirt and pull it
slightly up. Daisuke began to toss wildly, letting out a scream that ended in a
coughed gasp when Takeru's other hand pressed firmly against his stomach,
punching the air out of him. His panic increased as cold fingers brushed his
bare side and he found out he was trembling madly, much to his own dismay. He
didn't want to show Takeru his fear, but he could do nothing to hide it.
he sobbed, tears welling up in his eyes. "Please stop…it hurts…"
he whispered against his neck, moist breath making him shiver. "You're mine
and all mine...there's nothing you can do to avoid it... I'll make you
realize what's good for you and what isn't... and *I* am what's good for
you, not *him*." He bit hardly on the side of Daisuke's neck, eliciting a
pain-filled scream from the other boy. "I'll teach you...even if it will
mean *hurt* you"
He chocked out between sobs. "Why are you doing this…?"
I love you, Dai-chan, and even if I'm the only one who does, you turned your
back at me…"
He screamed again, since this time Takeru's nail had dug on his sides deep
enough to draw blood.
makes you think I'm mad at you, love? Just because I hurt you? *You* are the
one who hurt me first...I'm just letting you feel a bit of the pain I've
felt cause of you...turnabout is a fair play, ne?" Daisuke shook his head
violently, quivering teardrops swirling around his face as he did. "No...
don't cry Daisuke, I love you...stay with me...can't you see that we're
made for each other? Forget him Daisuke..."
mouth left his neck and wandered down to his shoulder to bit hard enough to draw
blood out from there too. The blood from the new wound poured down his arm and
chest and Daisuke screamed at the pain of his bite, before he was swirled around
in Takeru's arm and the air was knocked out of him by a crushing hug.
he sobbed, clutching to the other boy's shirt for all he was worth.
blonde smirked, then started to chuckle and the low sound soon turned into a
glorious, menacing laugh. Tears poured down Daisuke's cheeks one after another
and Takeru's tongue darted out to lick them away. Daisuke shivered, struggling
madly to get free, his panic rising with each second that passed. His supposed
boyfriend smirked at him again and roughly forced his tongue into his mouth in a
claiming kiss that tasted like his blood and tears mixed in a sickening
moisture. And after a moment pulled back, shoving the rather shorter boy away
with a punch in the stomach. Daisuke choked out a cry and struggled to free his
arms and wrap them around his abdomen, but it was all futile.
the while Takeru just smirked, dragging his nails as deep as he could down the
length of Daisuke's amber-colored back. Too tired, and emotionally worn out to
even scream, Daisuke just sobbed, overwhelmed by the horror, letting the burning
tears pour out from his now clenched eyes. His face was twisted in pain and his
crying had just intensified. His angel…his angel was…
menacing smile turned in a wickedly sweet smirk, enjoying his boyfriend's high
screams of pain just as he did his silent tears of agony. "Don't cry
Dai-chan." He whispered huskily. "I'm doing this for you."
He had the force to utter before scream again, when Takeru's nail dug into his
the side of his neck and traced five bleeding lines down to his chest.
teach you…" The blonde replied, adopting the flat tone you'd use to scold
a kid. His shooting tone didn't help anyway, and he frowned slightly at
Daisuke's pained expression. His chocolate eyes were shut hardly, huge tears
spilling out from the corners. His amber face was a mask of pain and he was now
sobbing harder than before.
frown had a short life anyway, and soon he was grinning again, and lowering his
lips down to Daisuke's ear to whisper twisted shooting words of comfort.
failed my test, Dai-chan." He said, searing the other boy's lips in a kiss
that tasted like tears and blood. "You were supposed to *evade* him. To ignore
him and hurt him if he tried to approach you…but what you did?" He asked
softly, punching the air out of Daisuke's chest, denying him the right to
answer. The boy moved his head, thought, and his supposed angel crushed it
against the wall. "You *hugged* him, Dai-chan. I'm very disappointed in you,
now, and I fear I've to teach you who you're supposed to love, now." He
claimed Daisuke's lips again, while his hands kept torturing the still
martyred body.
screams reached peaks high and quivering, but his blonde angel never ceased to
torture him as he pleased. Only when he was satisfied with the pace of the
jostling movements his chest heaved with, he rose to his feet, licking his lips
like a cat.
hope I didn't hurt you too much, Dai-chan." He smirked.
felt the tears well up in his eyes, but said nothing, too busy holding his
hurting trunk in his shacking arms. At the heart-wrenching sight, the blonde
just laughed though, throwing his head backward in a glorious laugh that chilled
Daisuke to the very core of his being.
ya!" Takeru laughed, waving two hands in front of his forehead, prior to turn
around and stroll out the locker room, the grin still tugging proudly his lips.
alone, the goggled boy crawled to the darker corner of the relatively good-lit
room, repeating the word 'no' over and over to himself, as a some sort of
shooting mantra that could banish this nightmare away. He surrendered to tears
at last, crying harder than he had ever done. He had been beaten by someone he
loved… or had loved once. Someone he trusted with all his mind and heart.
Overwhelmed, the boy wept silently, praying… waiting… for what, he wasn't
* * * * *
bit nervously his bottom lip, his legs waving absent-mindedly from the edge of
the bench, and his fingers keeping on clenching and unclenching around the
above-mentioned edge of the above-mentioned bench.
taking Dai-chan so long?!//
He thought.
The purple haired boy was yanked out his thoughts to reality, and found himself
staring up into worried cherry brown eyes. "Something's wrong?"
the boy shook his head, one hand moving up to rest upon his heart. The reason
was unknown to him, but he was feeling some sort of aching… and it was like it
wasn't his own pain, but someone else's. Someone that desperately needed him
in that moment. Someone he knew and cared for. And –despite himself- his mind
kept screaming at him that all that physical and spiritual pain was Daisuke's.
he forced himself to whisper. "…Kari."
the girl flopped down onto the bench, making herself comfortable in the thin
space between Ken's warm body and the cold wall.
do you think it's taking Dai-chan so long?"
of hearing his own thoughts voiced by the child of light, Ken whipped around,
only to see Hikari staring absently at the sky, a some sort of twisted pout
creasing her lips. The boy faced forward again, eyes focused on his still waving
don't know."
let's go seeing!" Hikari shot upright, bouncing a little on her toes once
her feet collided with the grassy ground.
don't think you'll be allowed into the building." Ken reasoned and watched
silently as the girl froze, eyes huge and rippling. After a moment of stillness,
she lowered her head, narrowed eyes filled with fear.
go seeing how he is, then." She whispered. Ken stood up, his eyes serious.
He began to panic, the ache in his heart doubling-up. The child of light shook
her head slightly, worried over something she couldn't understand.
go save him."
watched at her, wordlessly for what felt like forever. Then he nodded slowly,
suspicious eyes narrowing. "Do you know something I should know?"
again the girl said nothing, and just shook slowly her head. "Just…
something's wrong with him…" she looked up at him at last, worried cherry
hued eyes drifting into distrusting amethyst ones. "Can't you feel it?"
his wariness, Ken nodded, his eyes never leaving hers.
then!" She urged, delicate hands pressed over her chest.
Saying nothing, Ken nodded and rushed toward the building. Once he reached a
corner however, he stopped, turning to see the brunette smiling wavering at him.
He nodded again, trying to infuse that little gesture with as much reassurance
as he could muster at the moment, and it was comforting to see his action
mirrored almost immediately. Then, eyes blazing, he ran toward the lockers room
looked at him until he disappeared behind and corner and then, sighing, she
turned, beginning to walk as well.
huge, Hikari's head snapped upward, only to be nose to nose with a smirking
Takeru. "Nowhere in particular." She answered, usually gentle eyes
He shrugged, smiling playfully. "Could you make me a favour then?"
"It depends." She said, rubbing her shoe in the mud and staring hard into his azure eyes, her hands clasped behind her back.
assume you can, then."
eyes currently bordering on crimson narrowed at this, petite lips tightening in
a white line.
act tough with me, Kari, you know it's no use."
she snarled, her voice resembling disturbingly a low growl. "What do you
he breathed, reaching out to play with a loose strand of brow hair. "Rush tell
the coach my Daisuke won't play today."
she gasped, barely restraining herself from screaming.
you…" she bit her bottom lip in anger, eyes flashing.
now." He waved at her, his smirk growing even huge. "You know the rules
right?" the girl nodded deliberately slowly, her glowing eyes shifting to a
more common tone of golden brown. "You've lost him, so you've no rights to
*hurting* him." she hissed.
mine." He replied matter-of-factly.
he's not."
who say so?" he chuckled evilly, icy eyes squinting. "A simple boy? Well,
think again then, Light."
call me that, *Hope*."
blonde bowed mockingly, his eyes linked with hers even when he was facing the
ground. "As milady Light wishes."
my!" he said, straightening his shoulders and placing both hands on his heart.
"That did actually *hurt*! Do you think that's the proper manner to talk?"
To. Hell." She hissed through clenched teeth, her face inching closer to his
with every venomous word.
that's where I come from, remember?"
the girl grinned her teeth, so hard that they let out a sickening grinding
noise. For a second, her eyes flashed, but then they were back to normal as
nothing had happened at all.
girl." He chuckled, patting her head as if she was a puppy. She slapped his
hand away, however, walking past him with pure blinding anger guiding her every
going." She stated. "Saying that stupid coach this stupid lie of yours."
remember your courtesy till the end of time."
milady wishes."
my sight." She hissed. "Now."
with a bow, the boy leaped into a quiet umbra of the building, dashing away.
Sighing again, the child of like advanced a single step, before break into a
breathtaking run.
* * * *
Ken rushed to the changing-room, heart thumping madly in his rib cage and every
fibre of his body screaming in protest and pain. He literally flew past a
window, feeling that ache throbbing in his chest tripling. Although he
controlled it enough to move straight, it still hurt so much to make his eyes
water. Once in front of the metallic door, he came to a breathless halt, gazing
at the door as it was the entrance of Dante's' inferno. What did it read?
ogni speranza o voi che entrate."
behind every hope you who are about to enter." Or something like that. He
limped toward the door until he could put his ear on it. Biting his bottom lip
as if it could help him remaining silent, the bearer of the crest of Kindness
squinted his eyes, hoping to hear…
in reality nothing.
much to his horror, he heard a muffled sound of sniffling and sobbing. Cracking
the door open with the hope that beaten cry wasn't Daisuke's, he once again
felt his blood turn into liquid ice, for, crying in forgotten corner, curled as
a beaten puppy, was his angel, his Daisuke. And he was bleeding. He could both
smell as well as see the ruby liquid smeared across the ground. The pools
spotting mercilessly the floor weren't big enough to make him think the
brunette risked to bleed to death, but it was enough to make his stomach clench.
froze, unable to react for some, painful moments. Then, his protective instinct
kicked him into action and he was dashing wildly toward the distraught angel
laying in the darkness.
brunette snapped his head up, his eyes wide with hope.
aftershock of his attack still cursing through his bones, Daisuke leapt to his
feet, literally throwing himself in Ken's welcoming arms. Ken began to pat
gently his head, but soon enough pulled away, holding his friend at arm length.
happened?" he asked in a voice tiny and broken.
boy just shook his head, and then and there the former Kaiser understood nothing
he could say or do would make the hurting boy open up. It wasn't time to
complain or push him to something he wasn't ready to do. The priority here was
to take care of his wounds. So, grinning his teeth in an almost maniacal
grimace, Ken narrowed his eyes in pure rage and grabbed Daisuke's arm roughly,
dimly aware that he had caused the other boy to flinch and let loose a strangled
moan. The slight older boy paced quickly toward the showers room and shoving
open the door he threw Daisuke in quickly, yet so tenderly it seemed unreal.
Swirling around he locked the door, trapping them both inside the room.
Daisuke's eyes widened, yet he offered anything else but a strangled yelp when
Ken shoved him under the rather cold water jet.
moved slowly toward the other boy, and touched his fingertips to Daisuke's
lips, before let them wander down his neck and across his chest. When he reached
his belly he clenched the edge of Daisuke's now completely drenched shirt.
Auburn eyes widened even more, but the boy wasn't scared, because Ken's
touch was soft and gentle as butterfly wings brushing his skin. So utterly
different from Takeru's iron grip… soothing in a way… tender… lovingly.
The tan
skinned boy couldn't suppress the little shiver that made his body tremble,
thought. His mouth hung open in shock, even if he was slowly loosing himself in
the soft caresses. Ken's eyes flickered up from the fascinating sight which
were his snowy fingers running across Daisuke's caramel skin and his gaze fell
on Daisuke's face. With his eyes closed and his lips slightly parted, Daisuke
was now looking so cute that Ken couldn't help but smile. And his spiky brown
hair falling over his eyes, plastered to his skin, which shone wet with crystal
water drops, just made him look even more handsome than usual.
the crystalline drops rolled down his face and ran across his chest, down his
legs. Slowly, Ken's steady hands worked to free Daisuke's from his shirt,
and it was then that his chocolate brown eyes shot open in confusion and fear.
Ken stopped, seeing how scared his tan-skinned angel was, and let go of his
shirt, smiling warmly.
When a
faint smile tugged Daisuke's lips, Ken smiled back, returning his fingers were
they were before. However, Daisuke stopped him again, this time verbally.
"…I…" he whispered, shacking slowly his head. "I'm sorry…I…I can't…"
Ken pale
fingers danced up to cup the tanned cheek, shimmering wet with water, and pulled
gently, till their eyes locked.
you trust me?"
The amber skinned boy answered immediately, putting all his heart in it.
"Then trust me now." He nodded and hesitantly, Daisuke nodded back, seeing the sincerity and worry which those usually unreadable purple eyes showed.
Gently, Ken took Daisuke's shirt in his hands and pulled
it over his head. Daisuke
didn't put up any resistance, raising obediently his arms instead, to let Ken
strip the shirt of him and toss it to the ground.
Ken's fingers danced down to Daisuke's hip, and his
hands sneaked under the cloth of Daisuke's pants. With a slow motion, almost a
soft caress, Ken's hands slid down Daisuke's tights, carrying his pants
along with it. Then, with a
flick of his wrist, Ken let his hands dance upward to rest on his hips, and
Daisuke's pants reached the floor, landing in a wet heap. With a gentle kick,
Daisuke send them off, looking down at his own feet as he did so. Then he tipped
his head backward, relishing in the incredibly wonderful feeling of the cold
water running down his martyred skin. He hadn't realized it, but those clothes
were suffocating him, crushing him down, augmenting the pain and shame
Daisuke folded his arms in front of himself, head bowed downward. Ken's hands
left Daisuke's hips, and the tan skinned boy sucked in a sharp breath as
gentle fingertips brushed across his chest, fingering softly all the bruises and
cuts from his attacks. He shivered when the fingertips left his torso and ran
down his arms, brushing the black and blue fingerprints practically embedded in
his skin. And he let out a soft moan when those fingers ran up his arms to
caress softly his bruised neck and cheeks.
But when those soft hands left his body, Daisuke tensed, 'cause he felt rather than see Ken move behind him. One gentle finger brushed across his back, running along the red lines left by Takeru and crawling down his spine. Then he walked around to be back in front of him and Daisuke dared to open his eyes for the first time.
Ken was
on the verge of tears.
His eyes
sparkled, shimmering for the unshed burning moisture, and were rimmed by the
tiniest hint of red, as if he had been weeping silently while inspecting
Daisuke's wounds.
angel…" he whispered and in response, Daisuke closed his eyes again, arching
against Ken's soft touch.
paused, holding a deep breath in. Daisuke was…
Ken took
a moment to drink in Daisuke's exquisite beauty. He was unique. His tan skin
and his brown hair gave him an exotic look, magnified by his spicy scent, which
intoxicated Ken even if it was melted by the cold water.
He stood
there in nothing but his underwear, a fine sheet of water making his body
glisten in the dim light of the room.
That was
the ultimate spell.
body, reflecting the faint sunlight that peered through the half-opened window,
was blinding.
A glow
that attracted Ken gently, slowly seducing him.
As if he
was being absorbed inside that glow, as if the water running down his body was
washing away his control, he felt himself dragged forward, toward the glimmering
vision which was Daisuke.
sight of that beautiful body, built up by years of soccer, mixed with that
underlying vulnerability, were awaking within Ken a desire repressed for so long
he couldn't even remember.
It was
taking his entire mind not to kiss him, claim him as his own, just as the
tormenting little voice that resembled so much the Kaiser's was whispering in
the back of his head. He could see himself put his arms around the object of his
affection, hugging him desperately, and burying his face in the curve of his
neck to whisper softly against his skin.
angel…my poor, beautiful angel…"
He could
picture himself kissing and nibbling softly the cord of the tan skinned neck,
slurping the water that shone upon it. And he could almost feel the sensation of
the martyred soft skin of Daisuke's back under his fingers.
He took
a deep breath in and closed his eyes, trying to focus on anything that didn't
concern Daisuke. Or kissing him. Hugging him. Take him.
purple eyes fluttered open softly, and looking at his shadow on the wall he was
shocked to see it entangled with another shadow.
shadows were embraced.
desperately at each other's.
head jerked up from its resting spot on Daisuke's collarbone and he was
suddenly painfully aware that he *had* hugged Daisuke. That he *had* kissed his
neck. That he *had* caressed him as only a boyfriend is allowed.
he whispered soulfully, freeing softly the other boy from his embrace. Then he
stopped, studying his face with wide eyes.
The tan
skinned boy looked down, only to raise his head after a split moment.
are you saying?" he smiled. "It's water, silly…" he whispered, leaning
his head against Ken's shoulder and looking up at him after a moment.
you love me?"
you love me?"
Ken… I need to know… do you love me?"
"I do, Dai. More
than anything."
me, then."