Author has written 11 stories for Bleach, Soul Eater, and Gundam 00. Sorry for the long absence; life went a little hectic for a long time, and I'm sorry for being away for so long. My pen name is Rertyan the Dark, a reference to my old OCs hollow. I have written many things for Bleach, Soul Eater and a little for Gundam 00, but my anime and manga interests stem further than this. Recently, I have been watching Tokyo Ghoul and a handful of others. A Note About My Stories I am currently in my first year of University, so I have needed to refine my mind. As a result, updates may be slow, and also on only a few stories. I'm sorry for that. To give an update, the following of my stories are being discontinued due to lack of interest either on my part or readers parts; Bleach: The Doomsday Tomes - I have long since lost my bearings with this, and the focus on the non-Bleach world has not been taken well, so I have decided to put it to rest forever. Sorry if you enjoyed this. Gundam 00: Heaven Strike Force - An experimental writing for an idea I have had, but I cannot put the time and energy in to looking after it, so it will be left as it is. These stories are going to be developed and continued as and when; Bleach: Bonds Beyond Dimensions - The sequel to Darkest Side of Me is to return soon; it has been a favourite of mine for a while, and I will soon resume writing it. Soul Eater: The Next Step - The first installment is nearly done, so I will continue for now, but it may be temporary, pending interest. One-Shot/Drabble collections - These will be updated as the mood takes me, but may be ignored for some time. Be patient if you want to see more of these. |