Author has written 17 stories for Sonny with a Chance, Vampire Academy, Blue Bloods, Night World series, Forbidden Game series, House of Night, Titanic, Vampire Diaries, Hunger Games, American Horror Story, and Corpse Party. Hello, there! Let me just start out by introducing myself: I am 20 years old, female, blonde, live in Texas(have all my life), and go by the name Oblivious here on FanFiction. The first novel I ever finished was "The Last Dog on Earth," which I highly recommend, even though that was nine years ago. I hold that story dear to my heart for two reasons: (1) it is absolutely fascinating and (2) it introduced me to the world of reading, which - ultimately - introduced me to writing. Most of the stories I write are based on books because of that. I want to be upfront with my readers: sometimes I don't actually finish my stories... I know, I know. It's pretty rude to start a story, get halfway through it, gain some readers who really enjoy it, and then drop it on a dime. But sometimes I just can't keep writing a particular story, mostly when I just don't know where it is going anymore. Don't let that keep you from checking out my stories, though. I've written many that are finished and there are some I still plan on finishing. Also, when I decide to let a story go, I always tell my readers. That way, if someone else would like to take it up, they can ask permission. I will gladly let you take up one of my unfinished stories if you are interested. All you need to do is send me a PM. I am usually a fast updater, but sometimes things(life, for example) just get in the way. One of those is that the internet connection where I live is pretty bad. Sometimes I'll be kicked off of it for an entire day. But, if you remember anything about me from this profile, please remember this: I have chronic migraines. I've had them ever since I was 8. They can make life pretty unpredictable, not to mention painful. I've had many tests done and taken many different medications, but we still have no idea why I get them or how to make them stop. Basically, when I get a migraine, all I can do is take a pain pill and try to sleep. The worst part about them is that I can get them for weeks at a time, sometimes even months, though that rarely happens. So, please, try to be lenient with me if I haven't updated in a while. I plan on being a professional writer. I am working on my own novel right now. My migraines are part of the reason why I want to be a writer. You see, I had a job my last year in high school. My migraines had already made school hard on me(I'd have to miss days because of them; they're so bad that I can't stand up or I will get sick to my stomach), but that was nothing compared to work. I'd have to go in on days where I literally thought I would pass out. I was a cashier, so I had to stand for 7-8 hours a day. With a migraine, that is damn near impossible. It is why they wound up sticking me in the petro booth(the gas booth) permanently, so that I could sit or lay my head down. That was just a job I wanted so I would have some extra cash while still in school. A real job that is needed to pay the bills won't give me the slack that my old one did. So, I researched many different jobs, hoping to find one that would allow me time off if I got a migraine. Those are hard to come by. So, my last hope is writing. It's a good thing I'm pretty passionate about it. So, that's me. At least, that's why I am a writer. If you have any more questions, feel free to PM me. One more thing: I am going to clarify down here what story I am working on at the moment. I will try to keep it updated as I finish stories and begin new ones. I usually only write one story at a time. I've found that writing more than one drives me crazy, especially because I am trying to write my own novel at the same time. If I do happen to write two stories at once, both of the titles will be down here. I am currently writing: Something Like Fate, a Vampire Academy fan fiction. |