So incredibly sorry that I haven't uploaded the sequel yet! It is on its way; I promise! I just want to explain to you guys why it's been so long…

I have chronic migraines. There will be times where I go 6 months without a single migraine and then 2 straight weeks of nothing but migraines. Unfortunately, I have been having cluster migraines for the past 2 months, pretty much since the ending of this story. I've been going to doctors all over the place and having all sorts of tests done, so I am really tired when I get home.

They've been lightening up lately and hopefully they will be gone soon. I am going over to a friend's house tonight, so I don't know if I'll be able to write anything tonight, but I will write tomorrow. I might even be able to have the next story up tomorrow.

Just to give you a little something for tonight: the next story is going to be called, "Something Like Fate". Now you'll know what to look for.

Again, I am really sorry for not uploading the sequel. I hope you all understand.

I've also decided to add a little snippet from the next story here, just to get you guys ready...


Dimitri and I lay in his bed, wrapped up in the covers. Our naked skin was pressed together. It felt so right just laying here with him, post-sex. In the back of my mind, I thought, how could it get any better than this?

He bent his head down, planting a kiss on my lips. "I love you so much, Roza. I'm so glad that we can finally be together, out in the open."

"Me, too," I murmured, inhaling deeply. Dimitri's natural scent was so mesmerizing. "I wish we could just lay here forever."

He chuckled for a moment before looking into my eyes. A sudden flame began in his, hunger taking over his expression. He wrapped his arms tighter around me, pulling me even closer. He rubbed his cheek along mine, bringing his lips to my ear. "I don't know about you, but I'm ready for round two."

A shiver went through me. I hadn't been thinking about it, but my body obviously had. My response was to dig my nails into his back, leaving red trails down it. We both moaned as we slid our bodies against each other. Dimitri suddenly picked me up and turned, placing me back down as he slid on top of me.

"Are you ready?" he whispered.

I looked up at him, confused. "What about a condom?"

He shook his head. "Don't worry about that now. We'll get to that part later."

His words caused the warmth between my legs to grow, sliding up to the bottom of my belly. No longer able to find my voice, I nodded.

With a look of passion that could rival Don Juan de Marco's, he came down, our bodies becoming one… "

Anyone else ready for Blood Sisters? I am so excited! :D
