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Joined 02-11-10, id: 2251184, Profile Updated: 04-15-11
Author has written 1 story for Naruto.



Quote Wall (The things I hear at school by class):


( I dropped a piece of gum) " GUM! MINE!!!" ( ten guys jump for it...teacher banned gum...)

(project. My teacher. Turtles.) "You do the ninga turtles. I give you a F."


( My friend dared me) " Samantha are you here?" (P.E. teacher) "Mars is looking very bright tonight..."


( ...this was my sisters but hilarious...) " Mrs. Smyth! There is a football player locked in the closet!" she responds " He was bound to come out sometime..."


(My teacher impersonating a student) "Mr. Farmer, what would happen if a cat and a dog did it?"

(Wrong website! Brett, the jerk , said this...) " Max. They are looking at lingerine."

(Ben disecting crickets) "Heh heh. It's like little bubbles."

(teacher) " Trufully, I didn't want anyone peeing on me."

(teacher pointing to a John and Kate + 8 pic) " Look at this trainwreck."

(wow. he is not meant to be a teacher...) "Sponges that are bright yellow...LIKE SPONGEBOB!!!!"


(JK copying me on building a house of index cards really big ( i cant believe the teacher did not notice till the end) and knocking it over, he turns to me) " Did you see the look on her face?"

(teacher) " Guys. Just cuz we are playing basketball does NOT mean we yell like actual fans." (yes. Basketball in a class room)

(Nathan) "Today I am going to teach you how to use the bathroom effiently and effectively"

(Michael) " Someone insult me please"


(Nick during our concert) " Did she get AIDS from heredity or... boom chicka wow-wow?"

(Nick pulls out a pack of cards) "Pick a card, any card."

( this wasn't IN band, but it was the band teacher) "Um. Its raining. Can any of you kids drive my car up." (holds up keys)

(End of Elite March) " Voytek out!" ( throws conducting stick at bass clarinet in a flimsyish kind of way)


( someone trying to answer a question) " Um..duuu...sssss...pancakes?"


(Someone was trying to buying Girl Scout cookies off me...) " UM dude. Where the f* did you get all that money?" " heh heh heh. In pants"


(Taylor) "Just because you put tap shoes on an elephant does not mean it can dance."

(Ray)" I luv ya hubby"

(Chelsea) " I rode in a pink limo. That so beats straightening ur hair in a library and stalking a ice cream truck on a unicycle.

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