1Yes, I know, this is the 4th story that I have going on at once. I know, I'm bad. XD Don't worry though, this will be updated pretty fast. This has the plot of the story 'He's With Me' by Tamara Summers, and the cast from KH. And yes, I know Zack isn't in KH, but you people can deal with it.
Summary: Yuffie's longtime crush on Riku hasn't budged a bit. But when snobby queen Namine sets her sight on Riku, he has to come up with a way to turn her down. Without getting the wrath from the most popular girl in school. A plan is made: Yuffie is Riku's pretend girlfriend. But, Yuffie has never had a boyfriend, let alone a pretend one! Can she convince everyone that she's Riku's girlfriend and then convince Riku that they're meant to be together?
Disclaimer: I don't own this. Characters are made by the awesome people of Square Enix. And the plot is from the dazzling Ms. Summers.
Yuffie Kisargi hates bikinis with a fiery passion.
At fifteen, she has too many curves in too many places. She hated it when people stared at her. It made her feel like Janet Jackson at the Superbowl, even though she was standing all alone in the dressing room at Macy's.
So why was there a bikini in the box on her bed?
It looked like a present. It had shiny gold wrapping paper and a bright green bow, as if to trick her into thinking, Hey, there's something fun and exciting in here! There was even a cheerful note on the top. For Yuffie! It's going to be a great summer! written in her mother's cheery handwriting.
But inside there was a wine red monster. Yuffie didn't even pull it out all the way before she stuffed it back in.
Seriously Mom? Seriously?
The other box was even more scarier. She could tell by the shape that it wasn't a book, or an Amazon gift certificate. She was hoping that it was a new sundress or something that she could wear over the bikini; and never take it off.
Instead, it was a tennis racket.
Yuffie didn't play tennis. She never played tennis in her whole life, she was too much of a klutz.
Yuffie was standing next to her bed, studying the racket, when her mother appeared in the door way.
"Isn't it wonderful?" Mrs. Kisargi said in a too cheery voice. "I made sure your father got the best one. Is it light enough for you?"
"Um." she said. Her twin brother, Zack, followed Mrs. Kisargi into the room and slouched against the door frame. He didn't look any happier than she did. Maybe he got some sinister presents too.
Yuffie's mom sat down on the bed and pulled out the monster, laying it out on the comforter. It wasn't bad looking-not as skimpy as the white little bikinis that Namine McKennis always wore. It was her favorite color. But still, she was not wearing that.
"Zack, are you as confused as I am right now?" Yuffie asked. "Does Mom think the Holy Spirit of Athletic Daughters Everywhere has come to posses me?"
Zack threw his hands up in confusion, and Yuffie's mom hit her with the top of the box. "I'm right here Yuffie," she said. "You can ask me these questions." she didn't even wait for the question, "it's for Summerlodge."
"The day camp?!" Yuffie said. "I thought me and Zack were doing the art program at school. Mom, did you mix paintbrushes and tennis rackets?"
"The art program was full. So you're doing Tennis for Teens. Won't that be fun? And Summerlodge is close enough to bike to."
"Oh no," Yuffie said. "Mom, I hate tennis."
"You don't know that you hate tennis sweety. You've never tried it. And this is what you get for making your summer plans too late."
"Then what is the bikini for? I don't have to play tennis in that, do I?" Yuffie asked, horrified.
"No, there's a pool at Summerlodge. One of the afternoon activities after tennis is swimming. Don't you like to swim?"
I love to swim, Yuffie thought. I prefer doing it fully clothed though.
"Lucky for you, you already know how to play tennis." she said to Zack. Tennis had been one of Zack's obsessions, so he'd taken lessons long enough to be pretty good at it. "At least you'll look cooler than me with one of these things." She tried to flip the racket, only to miss is and it to drop on the floor.
Mrs. Kisargi sighed. "Well that's the bad news. Zack isn't going with you."
"What??" Yuffie was horrified. The whole point in having a twin was that you could go anywhere and not look like a freak. You had someone to talk to. You never had to stand around awkwardly, waiting for someone to talk to you. You always had someone to stand awkwardly with. That was the whole point. Zack still wouldn't meet her eyes. "But why? I thought we were doing it together?"
"We have decided that Summerlodge is not the thing for Zack right now." Mrs. Kisargi said.
"Mom that's not fair! Why does he get to stay home and play video games all day while I'm out looking like an idiot all by myself?"
"It'll be good for you dear. And look on the bright side, you might make some friends besides your brother." She stood up in a 'conversation over' sort of way.
Yuffie used to have a best friend besides Zack: Kairi Martinez, her best friend through elementary school. But, Kairi had moved to China the year before, and she hadn't found any one else. It was hard to make friends at her school. Everyone thought of her as "Kairi's quiet friend" or "Zack's quirky twin sister." And it wasn't going to be any easier at Summerlodge, especially since she was all by herself.
"Mom, I'm going to be the only person I know there! No one will talk to me and it'll be awful; please don't make me go without Zack. I'll beg on my hands and knees if I have to!"
"You'll know someone else," Zack chipped in. "Riku's going to be there."
Thump-thump. Yuffie felt her heart speed up and bang against her rib cage. Alright, that made a difference. More like a big difference.
Riku Atkinson was Zack's best friend, even though they weren't very much alike. Zack was the quiet guy that got obsessed with nearly everything like stamp-collecting, bird watching, and more recently, filmmaking. Riku on the other hand, was outgoing, adorable, smart, funny and every freshmen and sophomore at Destiny High wanted him.
But Yuffie's crush on Riku was different than all those drooling girls. She knew Riku for the real Riku. The other girls liked him like you would like someone famous. She knew why Riku was friends with Zack, she was there on the day they met.
Back in the day, Riku was the new kid in eighth grade. He was making girls swoon as we walked down the hallway. In Pre-Algebra Mr. Highwind split Zack and Yuffie up and put Riku right between them.
Yuffie kept glancing over at Zack, thinking of things she wanted to tell him, but thought it was too risky to pass a note through a stranger. The third time she glanced over, she saw him watching Riku's hands. He was folding a piece of paper over and over, and twisting it around. The twins both stared at him until suddenly, there was a small paper whale sitting on his desk.
He drew eyes and a smiley face on it. Then he looked up and caught Yuffie looking at it. She looked away, quite embarrassed.
When she looked down again, the beaming whale was sitting on the corner of her desk.
After class, Yuffie was getting her books, when Zack leaned over to Riku.
"Hey. That was cool. Origami right? Can you make other stuff?" Yuffie knew that Zack must be really interested, because he never talked to strangers. Once he started, it was hard to make him stop.
"A few other things," Riku said. "My dad taught me. I can show you, if you want."
"Sure! Is Saturday good for you? You could come over for lunch." Zack said
"Don't you want to know my name before you invite me over?" Riku said with a adorable smile.
"That dork is Zack, my brother. I'm Yuffie."
"We're twins," Zack said. "Like Cleopatra's children. Did you know she had twins? A boy and girl, like us." Zack's only lasting obsession was random twin facts.
"I didn't know that. I'm Riku," the new kid said, shaking Zack's hand. "Will you be there Saturday?" he asked Yuffie.
"Probably," she replied. Meaning definitely, if there's a chance you'll be there. Kairi would be more than happy to come over and meet this cute new guy.
"Okay, Saturday will be great. Thanks Zack."
The next day she saw Riku with a book all about Cleopatra. He was the only guy she knew who read books for fun.
That's why he got along with Zack so well. He could of ditched them for a more popular crowd if he'd joined a sports team or drama, but he liked Zack's strange interests. If Zack found a new hobby, Riku would read up on it. And then Yuffie and Kairi hung out with them while Zack built a replica of the HMS Bounty from a model shipbuilding kit and Riku told them strange facts about it.
So she knew the real Riku, just like she knew the real Zack, when no one else did. Yuffie thought of her front door as an enchanted mirror, like the looking glass Alice climbs through. When she, Zack and Riku walk through it, they become their real selves. Here Zack talked as much as he wanted to. Riku thought she was funny.
Here she could imagine that maybe one day Riku would look at her and see Yuffie girl of his dreams, not Yuffie, his best friend's sister.
She still had that whale. It was hidden in a shoe box in her room, next to the other secret Riku things.
And nobody knew how she felt, not even Zack, who knew every single detail of her life and thought that crossed her mind.
"Riku?" Yuffie said, picking up the tennis racket and try to flip it again, to only fail miserably. She hoped the nervous shake in her voice would be hidden by the clank of the racket. "He's going to tennis camp?"
Zack nodded. "He'll be in the advanced class, of course."
"Of course." Riku was one of the best tennis players at school. And she was sure she was terrible, which wasn't the best way to impress him.
"Why can't you come with me?"
"Because I said so," Mrs. Kisargi said. "Remember me? Still in the room?"
"Moooooooooooooooom," Yuffie said, flopping onto her mattress, trying to look as woebegone as possible.
"It's all decided. Camp starts tomorrow." Mrs. Kisargi said as she smoothed the bikini with a pleased expression. Yuffie wished she would take the damn bikini and wear it herself if she was so excited about it. If Yuffie had to go swimming-in front of Riku, no less- she would be wearing her simple back one piece.
The door bell rang, interrupting her thoughts.
"That's Riku," Zack said. "He called and said that he has some major problem and needs our advice. Why he'd want to ask a moron like me is the real question though.
"Oh Zack," Mrs. Kisargi said. "Don't talk about yourself like that. It's not healthy."
"It's probably another girl crisis." Yuffie said. Riku was always having girl crises-either someone wanted to date him, or he wanted to date someone, or his current girlfriend was acting weird because he wasn't being the 100 percent boyfriend that she was expecting. "I'll be down in a minute."
"Don't you want to try it on?" Mrs. Kisargi said, gesturing to the monster.
"Um," Yuffie said. With Riku in the house? Like hell I will. "Maybe later." like in my next life, when I come back as a ditzy supermodel.
"All right." Yuffie's mom said with another sigh and left Yuffie in peace.
Yuffie ran over to her mirror and bushed her hair and put on the necklace that Riku had given to her for her birthday the past November.
Yuffie found Zack and Riku in the basement like usual. Zack was playing with the zoom on his borrowed video camera from dad. When Yuffie walked in, Riku threw open his arms, and went, "Yuffie!" in a dramatic excited voice.
This was their new joke. The week before, Zack asked them to act out a scene for his camera. Riku started doing everything all over the top and melodramatic, Yuffie joined in. They thought it was the most hilarious thing ever, they couldn't get through three lines without falling over laughing. Zack didn't think it was funny at all.
"Riku!" she cried with the same enthusiasm.
"Just shut up," Zack said.
Riku held up his hand and Yuffie high-fived him. As he walked back to the couch, she curled her fingers over the spot where their hands touched, holding in the tingly feeling his hand left behind.
"So what's the crisis Riku?" Zack said, setting the camera on the table and peering through it. He never seemed interested in Riku's girl problems, but Yuffie thought it made him feel better to hear that even though you can get a girlfriend, it wasn't easy after that. He still hadn't dated anyone, and as far as she knew, never liked anyone. At least she dated Tidus for a week in seventh grade, if you call holding hands and awkwardly slow-dancing at one party "dating."
"It's the end of the world," Riku said as Yuffie sat down on the other end of the couch. "I'm totally doomed. Dooomed I tell you." it got really quiet as they got ready to hear Riku's problem. "Hey Yuffie, did you know that Ewan McGregor, Brad Pitt and Will Smith were all offered the role of Neo in The Matrix before Keanu Reeves got it? They turned it down. Isn't that crazy?"
"It would be much funnier with Will Smith," Yuffie said.
"Zack you should make a movie like The Matrix," Riku said. "Yuffie could play Trinity."
"No problem," Zack said. "I was wondering what to do with that two hundred million dollars that were gathering dust in my bank account."
"Oh but, I'm afraid my leather catsuit is in the laundry. Too bad." Yuffie said, snapping her fingers.
"That is too bad," Riku said." I had this whole series of you-in-black-leather movies planned. X-Men, Catwoman, King Kong... I'd be Naomi Watts and you'd be Kong of course.
"Shut up," Yuffie said, throwing a pillow at him.
"What?" he said with a wicked grin. "It's the grandest love story ever told of all time."
Luckily Zack stopped them before Yuffie could respond to that.
"Hello? Crisis? Aren't we here for a reason? You don't sound all that doomed."
"I am," Riku said. "It's the end of the world."
"Why? Yuffie asked. As far as she knew, Riku had been single for a couple of months, ever since Selphie Sorrento had broken up with him for not calling her everyday. So it was probably a girl-he-wanted-to-date category problem.
"Naminé McKennis," Riku said.
Yuffie's heart sank all the way down to her stomach. Naminé was the classic popular girl-blond, beautiful and extremely mean. Once she got her claws into someone they stayed hooked, even after she dumped him. If Riku had fallen for someone like her, Yuffie didn't even stand a chance. In fact, if Riku had fallen for Naminé, maybe she didn't know him that well after all.
"Naminé McKennis?" Zack said. "She's... isn't she kinda out of your league? She's super popular."
"Sadly, apparently not. She wants to go out with me. She probably sees some untapped popularity in me. If so, I vote for not tapping it."
"Naminé wants to go out with you?" Zack said, not believing it.
Yuffie was relieved. She was confused about Zack's shocked voice. Who wouldn't want to go out with Riku?
"Yup," Riku said. "She told me in the e-mail."
"No way." Yuffie said.
"See for yourself." Riku pulled out a piece of paper from his back pocket, and gave it to her to read.
'Have you ever wondered what it would be like to date the hottest girl in school? I bet you have. I could tell you were thinking about it when I got lemonade from you at my sister's graduation ceremony. You were thinking, "If only Naminé would ever date me." Well, it's your lucky summer. I have decided that I need a boyfriend and here are the reasons we would be the perfect couple:
1) our heights would match perfectly,
2) we'll both be at Summerlodge this summer,
3) we're both cute and popular,
4) and so we'd be like the Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt of Summerlodge, only without the smelly orphans.
I imagine this feels like winning the lottery, doesn't it? Not that I'd notice if I did, since I'm already so rich, but I'm guessing you would, and it would be like just as way exciting as this. I'll meet you tomorrow at the front gate of Summerlodge so we can made our entrance together. Then I'll also debreef you on the Rules of Dating Bree. How awesome will this be?'
"Oh Rikey," Yuffie said, passing the note to Zack. "How can you resist?"
"I know," Riku said. "It's better than winning the lottery. It's like winning the lottery, falling down a well, and being vomited on by a llama all at the same time."
Yuffie laughed. "So she's going to be at Summerlodge too? Does she play tennis?" Let's hope not. Please don't let her be in beginners class with me. Please find some other horrible way of torturing me instead.
"Nah, she's working at the pool. Training to be a life guard. Hopefully we won't see her too much."
Zack flattened out the note and video taped it. "This is so crazy. I didn't know girls ever did this kind of thing."
"Naminé McKennis does anything she wants," Riku said. "Which is why you guys have to save my arse. I can't date her! First, it'll be painful and agonizing. She'll make me carry all of her crap and buy her stuff, and then she'll yell at me when I'm doing something wrong. Then she'll make fun of me behind my back to all her friends, and then she'll dump me and tell EVERYONE what a loser I am, and I'll never get a date in this town ever again. I may not be super popular, but this will ruin me for the rest of high school."
"However," Zack said. "She is like, really hot. Like, Angelina Jolie hot."
"EEEWW! That's disgusting Zack!" Yuffie said, smacking his shoulder. Personally, I don't think she's hot.
"She is! Right Riku?"
Riku shrugged his shoulders. "I guess she's okay. Not my type."
Zack stared at him in disbelief. "Not your- Are you freakin serious?"
"Personally, I would've stayed with Jennifer Aniston," Riku said. "And did you miss the part about, 'Rules of Dating Naminé'? Does that sound like fun to you? Damn, I knew I shouldn't have met her eyes when she came up to the lemonade. I shouldn't have agreed to work the concessions stand in the first place. Not it's going to be the worst summer ever." He slid onto the floor, laying down, and crossed his arms over his face.
"Can't you just say no?" Zack asked.
"Even I know that," Yuffie said. "Nobody says not to Naminé." Yuffie understood what Riku was worried about. She'd been avoiding Naminé since elementary school. If you stayed far enough away from her, you could slip by unharmed, unnoticed. But, if you popped into her line of sight, she would rip you to shreds with one flick of her Frech-tipped nails.
"Doomed I tell you. Dooooomed." Riku said.
"How about you tell her you already have a girlfriend?" Zack said.
Riku thought about this for a moment. "Like, long-distance? I don't think she'll buy that. We've only been out of school for a week. Where would I have picked up a girlfriend in a week?"
"I dunno." Zack shrugged. "You could tell her you're dating Yuffie."
Yuffie was so, so sooo, glad that Zack had his face glued to the camera and didn't see her face. Riku kept his arms over his face, so he didn't notice either. She felt like she was going to faint any moment now.
She started to say, "As if-" at the same time as Riku said, "Well I-" and they both stopped.
"What were you going to say?" he asked. He put his arms down, and titled his head back so he could look at her.
"Um, um, Just... um, as if she'll believe that."
"Why?" Zack said. Yuffie wished Riku would say something, but he kept looking at her.
"Well, if you think Naminé is out of his league, what am I? In another solar system?" she tried to joke.
"Actually, it might work." Riku said.
"Of course it will." Zack said. "Yuffie will be at Summerlodge too, so Naminé can see you're together. And it's only for a little while, until she gets over you. And it's not like there's anyone Yuffie wants to date, so you're not putting a dent in her love life. Right Yuffie?"
That's so nice. Thanks, Zack.
"What do you say, Yuffie?" Riku asked, rolling over onto his stomach and propping his elbows on the floor and his chin in his hands. He looked so adorable. "Want to be my pretend girlfriend?" His eyes were like storm clouds right now, irresistible.
Yuffie, this is what you've been dreaming about.
No actually, it's not. This is a strange parody of what you've been dreaming about. Is this what you really want? To be Riku's pretend girlfriend?
Hell yeah!
"Okay," she said, feeling super dizzy. "I mean, it'll be tough pretending to like you, but I can take one for the team. Right?"
"You're my knight in shining armor," Riku said, getting up and kneeling on the couch next to her. Right next to her. "My hero, my warrior princess." he said taking her hand. "My King Kong." he pressed her hand to his heart. She could feel it beating through the fabric of his shirt. It was going fast nearly as fast as hers, but he was an athlete, so it probably went that fast all the time.
"Okay, here are the Rules of Pretend Dating Yuffie," she said. "You need to stop comparing me to a giant gorilla."
"Any other rules?" he asked. He was still holding her hand against his chest.
"That's the only one," she said. Was her voice shaking? Could he tell?! "So far. I'll keep yo posted."
He grinned. "I'll be looking forward to it."
"Okay," Zack said, standing up. "I think I've figured out how to change it to night recording. Let's go test it in the shed." He picked up and flashlight and headed for the stairs. Yuffie couldn't even believe her own twin couldn't notice, never mind that, feel her blushing. She wanted to stay where she was forever, but she pulled her hand free and got up off the couch.
"Great, okay," she said. "Sounds like fun." she looked back from the doorway. "Are you coming Riku?"
"You bet." he said standing up and stretching his arms. "Where ever my girlfriend goes, I go."
Yuffie shivered.
' I always thought that my first boyfriend would be Riku but, I never thought it would only be pretend...'
So, whacha think? I was going to have this story a RikkuxGippal, but after rereading the story. I realized that Jake (riku) isn't like Gippal. And that Lexie (Yuffie) isn't like Rikku.
I don't know how long it's going to take for chapter 2 to come, it depends on how fast I get my other stories up. Hopefully, that will be quick.
Don't forget to hit that shnazzy purple button!