Author has written 58 stories for Halloween, Highlander, Buffy X-overs, Dragon Ball Z, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Smallville, Superboy, Young Justice, Teen Titans, and NCIS. Okay, figured it was about time to update this little bio. I'm now 23 yrs. old, and getting older everyday. Still married to my beautiful wife, for almost three years now, how time flies. I have two yahoo groups now. One focusing on my JOH universe (BTVS/DC comics) crossover. And one for my other fiction and original works (though I haven't posted much original stuff) the web addresses are below. As for the fics I plan to finish... JOH: Armageddon.= I will finish this for sure, probably sooner than later. As far as I can see this will be the last fic in the JOH series. Also JOH stories go in this order, First Step, Old Into New, Warriors Goodbye, It All Falls down, Desperate Times, Journey's End, Welcome Home, Hypertension, and Armageddon. The Loch.= This will be finished soon, I still have people reviewing (most asking what the hell is going on), and as long as the reviews keep coming I will keep writing. DBG= As some of you know when I first started writing fanfic I wrote a fic called DBG, it was around sixty thousand words or so when deleted it. And being the idiot I am I didn't back up the story on my new comp. So a rewrite was in order, however I've become a much better author since the old days, so it's going to have less cliches' and better characterization. I will update it shortly. Daywalker ReWrite= I have many plans for this fic. The only problem, there all in my head. But this is one story I am going to finish before I fade from the Fan Fiction plane of existance. Future, Past= This DBZ fic is one of my personal favorites as it seems to have a lot of potential. I hope to finish it, eventually. The Spectre.= This is a sequel to my fic The Chase. The Spectre is a BTVS/Phantasm/Supernatural cross over. The fic is set at the end of the first season of Supernatural. I do plan to finish it. Taking An Initiative.= Will be finished (I hope). I have many ideas, just don't have the time to write them. Ghost.= A Superboy/Teen Titans fic set after Infinite Crisis. I don't like that DC killed off the character that got me into comics so in my little universe, he's coming back. Wow, lot of WIPs. If there are any that you would like me to finish, let me know, and I'll try. I usually on yahoo and my messenger name is Cobra_7422000. If you want to contact me on MSN Cobra_011@. Here are the web addresses of my two yahoo groups. |