![]() Author has written 34 stories for Twilight, and Harry Potter. I’m DressagePunk, because I’m an Eventer (aka Hard Core Horse Back Rider [most of us are considered clinically insane]) and Dressage is the first phase of eventing, and a horse I used to ride, well his name was Punk. I’m a sucker for any fic that even mildly involves horses. But my avatar, picture thing is a picture of me jumping my Eventer Pony, who I'm very temped to change his name to Cluster Buck, because you all know what it sounds like; but I really bloody love him. There are two things in this world that make me truly happy, riding horses and escaping through literature. It doesn’t matter whether I’m reading or writing it. I love it. And via a quote I stole from the wonderful Gamma Orionis "Great art is not that which creates something utterly new, but that which takes something we have seen before and forces us to look at it in a new way. Fanfiction, therefore, is not the lowest form of literature, but, indeed, the highest." I really believe what this quote says is true. Where else can anything happen. With characters that everyone already loves. I have this awful habit of starting stories and never finishing them. Or almost finishing them. Also grammar and spelling are NOT MY THING! I'm constantly looking for a good beta, because I suck, but I either never respond or never like what I'm offered. Because I'm a pain in the ass. So on that note any takers? But as for me, I’m fairly boring. I was born and raised in the United States; I ride horses like it’d my bloody job. I couldn’t quit, ever. It’s like a drug, hell it probably equates to meth. I've recently gotten insanely into Crossfit, which is this fitness revolution that's changing the world. Well maybe not, but it sure as hell changed my muscle tone. I LOVE Crossfit; again it's like meth but you get to keep your teeth. I'm also currently in school for engineering so sometimes school just gets in the way. Sometimes I need to focus a little more on Organic Chemistry and a little less on potions; as much as it pains me. Also I may have a slight addiction to Netflix. I’d most likely be in Slytherin, because while I have no issue hurling myself and my horse at four foot stationary objects, I’m going to look out for myself before anyone else. Oh and I look like a Slytherin. Blonde and blue eyed. And I can be a total ass to anyone, just depends on my mood. And I can smirk well, but oh well. The Harry Potter Fanfiction Challenge Forum is bloody fantastic, I’m there way too much. And I really love writing random stuff. Also I'm freaking awful at finishing stories for challenges so they almost never get submitted or reviewed. As for my Harry Potter ships; I don’t really love have any favorite pairings, I tend to stick with my favorite characters, Sirius Black, Draco Malfoy, Bellatrix Lestrange. I tend to write a bunch of Hermione because she seems to easily fit with my favorites, and on some level I actually enjoy writing about her. But as for things I hate, I really don’t read slash, some femslash, but slash just gets a little too weird for me. But anything with Umbridge, Gildroy, Quirell, Hagrid I won’t even half way click on it. Reviews They light up my bloody world. I literally get ‘pee my pants’ excited when I get a single review, If I get more, it just escalates. I mean I got 20 reviews for the first chapter of my Dramione story and I literally had to take a minute to calm down. But if you could do me a favor and review when you read I really appreciate them, because they help improve my writing, and they actually do help me write faster. Also, It makes me slightly irritated when people put the story on Alert, and haven't reviewed at all. I mean you obviously want to continue reading it, so Please tell me what I'm doing either way wrong or right. Some of my favorite reviews are where people have criticized my works. I'm a review-whore, It's pretty simple. Because I’ve sworn to myself that for the Harry Potter World, I’m going to review everything I read. Everything, every chapter, because if it were someone reading my fics, I would want every single one of their reviews. If you want my help or just need someone to talk too, PM me, I'll respond. By the way I love when people ask my opinion on their stories and I always try to be helpful. So if you have any questions, just ask:) I'm in really big need of a Beta:) I would like someone that is good with grammar and spelling since it's something I lack... I would also love if they check their e-mail and will beta quickly like within 5 days after I send it to them. MSG me if your interested. |